P. 5

Task 3 Arrange these following sentences into a good

                  LET’S FIND OUT!

                  Activity 2

                  Aplikasi Dunia Nyata
                  Pada  kehidupan  nyata,  teks  deskriptif  tentang  bangunan

                  bersejarah  lazim  ditemukan  pada  brosur  yang  tersedia  di
                  bagian  informasi  dari  tempat  tersebut.  Untuk  teks  deskriptif

                  yang  lisan  biasanya  kita  dengarkan  ketika  kita  mengunjungi
                  bangunan  bersejarah  tersebut  dengan  didampingi oleh  tour


                  Di bawah ini adalah contoh teks deskriptif tentang bangunan


                         Colosseum is the remains of the Flavian Amphitheatre. It
                  is  located  in  the  center  of  Rome,  Italy.  The  construction
                  process  began  under  the  Flavian  dynasty.  It  is  the  biggest
                  amphitheatre  in  the  world  and  it  is  considered  to  be  the
                  greatest work of the Roman architect. Nowadays it is the most
                  visited tourism object in Rome.

                         Colloseum  was  an  eliptical  construction  of  wall
                  surrounding  an  eliptical  arena  where  various  of  shows  were
                  held  as  an  entertainment  for  the  citizen  of  Rome.  But  now
                  what we can see from the building is the remains of the ruin,
                  most  of  the  wall  is  no  longer  intact.  The  building  is  made  of
                  concrete  and  sand.  The  size  of  the  building  is  29.484  square
                  meters and the size of the arena is 24.000 square meters. The
                  outer  wall’s height  is 545  meters,  and  the  height  of  the  inner

                  wall is 48 meters. There are 80 entrances that we can use to
                  enter the building, 4 of this entrance, located on each axis of
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