Page 76 - LuxuryWellness 3 Edition
P. 76

76                                                                                                                        January 2020                                                                                             77

                                                                                                                                      Cape of good soap

                                                                                                                                      This brand has innovation and passion at its heart, Manisha
                                                                                                                                      is a Marketing professional turned skin care entrepreneurs,
                                                                                                                                      her products have a touch of creativity and personal touch,
                                                                                                                                      her product range is varied for different ages, I love the green
                                                                                                                                      tease scrub which has an eternally distinct texture and the
                                                                                                                                      results on the body is noticeable. I have also tried her children
                                                                                                                                      variant soaps, the unicorn soap and the elephant soap, the
                                                                                                                                      colours are vibrant and the soap is sure a great gifting idea for
                                                                                                                                      young ones. This brand will go a long way with its boutique
                                                                                                                                      small batch soaps,scrubs and also being natural and safe.
                                                                                                                                      The brand also has a master seller in the Moringa soap, this
                                                                                                                                      sure is a heavenly wellness concoction made into a glycerine


             Juicy Chemistry                                  ageing on the skin. The powerful blend of vitamin E,
                                                              argan and shea butter is suited for use in summer                       Mantra Herbal
            Pritish and Megha Asher have founded this         for those with normal skin and for regular use
            venture, a brand certified organic according      for those with dry skin. This cream is a source                         Mantra Herbal is an organic, authentic and all-natural skin
            to COSMOS Standards by the ECOCERT                of retinoic acid that protects cell damage. It has                      care brand deeply rooted in the ancient science of Ayurveda,
            GREENLIFE. Juicy Chemistry is one of the few      a natural infusion of fatty acids. The color of the                     from the Baidyanath Research Foundation (BRF) - a
            brands in India which comply to the global        cream is a deep golden yellow with a luxurious                          celebrated name in health and wellness with a 100 year old
            norms of organic skincare.                        texture. The oil fends off free radicals to keep skin-                  legacy. This brand has an excellent range of products, I love
                                                              ageing at bay. It also provides protection against                      the Bhringraj Conditioner, the conditioner is textured right
            The LuxuryWellness team reviewed the Juicy        sun damage. A radical mix of ingredients that are                       for application onto wet hair, it also smells great and sure
            Chemistry Organic Lavender, Myrrh and Wild        both fresh and organic makes this product a top                         leaves your hair soft healthy and shiny. The Cucumber skin
            Forest Honey. This night cream is a must try      pick amongst the night creams available in the                          soother is a great face wash, its handy for travel and sure
            for people in all age groups. It’s a luscious     market, especially for people with dry skin.                            leaves skin soft and well hydrated. This brand has a timeless
            mixture of myrrh, wild forest honey and organic                                                                           collection called the Anantam, true to its name it’s a bounty of
            lavender. The natural fragrance of the product    The brand also has a luxurious offering of products                     goodness, I used the under eye treatment gel with gold for a
            comes with a strong tinge of wild forest          ranging from pressed soaps, serums, conditioners,                       few days only and got a renewed texture, it’s a sure one of the
            honey. The use of pomegranate seed, which         shampoos, to facepacks, nightcreams, bath and                           best under eye treatments I know of.
            has punicic acid, helps reduce the breakdown      body oils and essential oils.
            of collagen fibers, thereby preventing the                                                                      
            appearance of wrinkles and other signs of         www.
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