Page 8 - LuxuryWellness 3 Edition
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8 January 2020 9
- Celia Sawyer
elia Sawyer is an television, on Channel 4’s
Interior Designer and Four Rooms (also shown on
Cthe founder of Celia Netflix USA), Celia was chosen
Sawyer Interior Architecture to host her own design show
and Design in London. for BBC1 which has also
Celia’s company has been aired in Australia, Europe,
providing both private and and New Zealand. In 2014,
commercial clients with Celia won the Inspiration
bespoke groundbreaking Award for Women and has
luxury interiors for over 20 also been voted in the top
years. Celia has worked on an 100 Most influential Business
array of assignments, such as Entrepreneurs in the UK and
private aviation, yachts, luxury the top 250 Women Leaders of
homes, and commercial the World. In 2018, Celia was
projects and her clients listed as one of the Top 10
range from Royalty, (she Interior Designers in the World.
recently designed a house She is also an official judge
for the Saudi Arabian Royal for the International Property
family), through to celebrities, Awards, and the International
sporting individuals and High Hotel Awards and is a member
Net worth executives. In 2017 of the Society of British and
Celia worked for the Royal International Interior Design.
Navy where she designed On a more personal note, and
the warrant officer’s mess being a mother of 2 children,
on HMS Queen Elizabeth. Celia takes time mentoring
This year will be Celia’s 6th school children to encourage
year on National Primetime them to rise to the challenge