Page 128 - McWane Poles Sales Manual 2024
P. 128

McWane Poles, A Division of McWane Inc.
Date of Report:
Pole Description:
September 18, 2017
McWane Ductile Iron Pole
Full-Scale, Horizontal Bending Test
McWane Plant - Coshocton, Ohio
September 6th, 2017
95 / H4
Test Setup: See included drawing for pole test layout (Figure 1)
Test Result: See included graph (Figure 2)
Pole Design: See included PLS Pole design output
H4 Tip Load (5.66 kips)
The H4 pole design is based on a 5.66 kip load applied 2' from the tip. The measured tip deflection for
cycle 2is 92.1" (measured at class load) minus 7 .8" at the start of cycle 2 equals 84.3" This value is greater
than the calculated deflection shown in the PLS pole design output of 73". This difference could be
attributed to pole rotation at the supports when compared to a theoretical fixed groundline.
Yield Tip Load (5.96 kips)
The yield tip load was calculated to be 5.96 kips. This value is the point along the pole where the actual
bending stress reaches a calculated bending stress of 42 ksi. The measured tip deflection for cycle 2 is 98.1
inches (measured at yield) minus the 7 .8" at the start of cycle 2 equals 90.3". This value is greater than the
calculated deflection shown in the PLS pole design output of 77".
Failure Tip Load (9.31 kips)
The 9.31 kip load applied 2' from the tip resulted in a pole failure at the 3rd slip joint from the tip and
compression at the ground line.
The 95/H4 ductile iron pole was subjected to a full-scale, horizontal bending test. The ultimate failure tip
load was 9.1 kips which is 164.5% of class load and 156.2% of yield load.

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