Page 79 - McWane Poles Sales Manual 2024
P. 79
Sales Manual • 2024
The Keys Energy Service (KEYS) used DI poles to replace wood and concrete as part
of the utility’s pole replacement program. Because of DI’s light weight, KEYS saves
money over concrete on the total installation cost. The former Director of Engineering,
Dale Finigan, said that the crew would mutiny if it had to go back to concrete poles.
For example, Keys Energy Service used ductile iron poles to storm harden its system, and
the utility did not lose a single one of them when it was hit by Hurricane Irma – the worst
storm to hit the Florida Keys in more than fifty years.
Because of this, KEYS called on McWane to supply all of the poles to rebuild its system.
McWane responded. The team worked overtime and weekends to supply 200 poles
within three weeks. After power was restored, Finigan said, “we could not have done it
without McWane’s help.”
Case Studies