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               Of the 26, three companies had unspent CSR funds.   was Antony Waste which was an environmentally
             We found that these were penalised by the investors  friendly company and underpriced upto 38%.
             and these sold upto 10% below listed price. Exception

               Findings                                      Bibliography
               Our  fi ndings indicate that SMEs which do CSR      Ashish Sharma, P. G. (2018). SME Financing:
             activities are positively impacted when they go for   IPO issue and Post-IPO analysis. Effulgence.
             IPOs. There may be other factors which impact the
             SME IPOs, but since CSR spendings are related to      Bansal, N. C. (2017).  Economics times.
             profi ts in India by regulation this may be a correlation   Retrieved from https://economictimes.
             with profi ts. However, we do fi nd that those which
             made losses like Burger King but still spent in CSR was   startups-test-a-brand-new-crypto-currency-ico/
             impacted positively. The only aberration was Adani   articleshow/61938744.cms?from=mdr
             Wilmar. The reason for their overpricing lies in other
             factors that effect the SME IPO pricing than CSR.     Dr. Makarand S. Wazal, P. S. (2020).
                                                                 Comparative analysis of Underpricing and
               Limitations and further research                  Subscription of SME IPOs and Main Board IPOs.
               Our research is limited to SME listing after 2020.   5th International Conference on “Innovations in
             We have taken companies from various sectors and    IT and. Our Heritage.
             sectoral factors would play an important role in the
             SME IPO pricing which was not studied. A further      Elise Alfi eri, Y. F. (2020). Social Features and
             study with a bigger dataset would be a scope of future   Cryptocurrency Returns. SSRN.
             research. A regression analysis of other factors and a      Francesco Bollazzi, G. R. (2017). IPO and CSR:
             PCA analysis for the importance of the CSR factor can   An Analysis on Last Performance in Italian
             be done in future.
                                                                 Stock Exchange. China-USA Business Review.
               Conclusion                                       Hakizimana, J. [. (2020). Security Token Offering
               Our research findings show that CSR activities    (STO): A Paradigm shift in global fundraising
             impacts SMEs when they go for fund raising. The     markets. How Blockchain technology might
             future of fundraising will be marked by ICOs and    disrupt the traditional Initial Public Offering?
             STOs, and it will be important to see how ESG and   Louvain School of Management.
             CSR activities of the ICO and STO offering fi rms will
             impact their acceptability. The offering agency is a      IIFL. (2021, August 31). Retrieved from https://
             critical factor in success of the ICO as provided by
             evidence in literature and hence the steps they take in   centre-ipo-general/sme-ipo-what-is-sme-ipo-
             ESG and CSR will be critical for SMEs using their   india-infoline-121083100621_1.html
             platform to raise funds.
                                                                Kozhanova, A. V. (2020). ICO and STO as

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