Page 23 - MSME BULLETIN 2022 NEW LAYOUT 19082022.indd
P. 23


               AN OVERVIEW OF


               SUPPORT IN THE

               LIFE CYCLE OF

               AN MSME

                           CMA Jyotsna Rajpal is a Practicing Cost Accountant based in Nagpur with 3 decades
                           of experience in more than 20 industries. She specialises in Systems development &
                           implementation. She has special interest in Music, Meditation & Organic farming.

             CMA Jyotsna Rajpal

               1.00. Introduction                          Out of this 20% comes from manufacturing & rest
               Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)  80% is the contribution of service sector. Presently
             are recognised globally as the drivers of economic  MSME sector is contributing around 48% of total
             growth, employment generation, social development  Indian exports which is expected to go up to 60% in
             and innovation. This sector is the most apt means for  next 2 years.
             the encashment of the demographic dividend of India
             for its all-round growth.                       Looking at these magical fi gures, one can say that
                                                           MSME is the back bone of the country.
               In India MSME sector delivers 9000 products &
             services. It has 63.34 million units contributing to   2.00.  Magnifi cent MSME
             80% of total industrial units of the country. Out of this   The industries which come under the purview of
             around 30% are in manufacturing sector and 70% in   MSME are classifi ed on the basis of capital investment
             service sector.                               and turnover.

               It provides employment to nearly 120 million   2.01. Micro Enterprises: 99% of the total MSME
             population of this country which constitutes around   units are micro units. They provide all small and big
             60% of total employment. In this number rural India   items of our daily need. Almost all essentials like Food
             has share of about 51% and urban India contributes   Products, Dairy, Garments, Home furnishings, Khadi,
             rest 49%. It is interesting to note that 97% of this   Handicraft, Utilities, Services, etc., except direct
             employment is generated from micro units.     food grains are provided by these micro units. The
                                                           investment limit for these units is Rs. one crore and
               MSME sector contributes towards 40% of the GDP  maximum turnover cap is 5 crores. If a unit crosses this
             which is targeted to increase upto 50% in next 2 years.  limit, it will switch to small enterprises.

              The Institute of Cost Accountants of India                                             23
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