Page 23 - Samaritas Our Hands Spring 2023
P. 23



           As the Russian aggression toward Ukraine continues, the options to
           support Ukrainian refugees are evolving and creating a challenging  Get assistance with:
           bureaucratic environment to work within.
                                                                              • Cultural orientation and community integration

           Samaritas is helping Ukrainian refugees and their advocates cut    • DHHS benefits
           through that red tape with the opening of its new Ukrainian Help   • Job training and placement
           Center in Warren.                                                  • Interpretation/translation

           The new center located at 26807                                    • English classes
           Ryan Road is helping Ukrainian                                     • Financial literacy & budgeting
           refugees obtain essential Refugee                                  • Transportation
           Support Services. Many free                                        • Cultural mentors
           consulting services are also                                       • Immigration paperwork
           available to help this at-risk
           group integrate into Michigan                                      • Health screenings
           culture.                                                           • American school systems

           Onsite interpretation and                                          • Digital literacy
           translation services are available.                                • Computer access
                                                                              • Housing and furnishings
            Most Ukrainian refugees are eligible and are encouraged to call (888)
            529-8005 or email Samaritas staff at
            to schedule an appointment or get additional details.

                                                                         From Kyiv to Detroit - A Resilient Family's Journey.
                                                                         We're thrilled to welcome the Dubova family from Ukraine
                                                                         to America, and with help from Humble Design Detroit, they
                                                                         can enjoy the comfort of their new home.

                                                                         Despite the many traumas of war, Luliia is already making
                                                                         strides in rebuilding her life here - jumping into English
                                                                         training and job searching. Her son is a creative young
                                                                         sculptor, starting his new American school! Let's come
                                                                         together to spread hope, joy, and comfort in our
                                                                         community. Welcome to Detroit!
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