Page 9 - SKIS WINDOW VOL.9-final
P. 9

2022 Students Ⅲ

         전교회장단 이야기

       Hello SKIS students, my name is Yeonwoo Kim from 6-1. I was selected as the student   Hello, my name is Minseong Choi, the Vice President of SKIS student council this
       council president for 1st semester of the 2022 academic year. I am here to say thank you   semester. At first, I hesitated to run for student council because it was my first time running
       all for cooperating with our council campaigns and activities. I think all student council   for it. After I became the vice president of student council, I was really glad that I could
       members of this semester did astonishing things to develop our school better for students.   help the school and friends. There were campaigns like ‘Music in the hall’, ‘Earth Love
       For example, preparing lunchtime music, campaigning a 3-second movement, and so on.   Campaign’ and more. But above all, I think the most fun thing was discussing the theme
       I think without your help, it would not be accomplished.  Again, I would like to say thank   of “How to make a good school” while serving as the vice president. I want to say “Thank
       you all for cooperating to make our school better.                       you” to all the students and teachers who voted for and helped me.
                                                               전교회장  6학년 김연우                                                         전교부회장 6학년 최민성

       Hello students, my name is Yunji Lee, Vice President of student council in semester 1.   I am the vice president of SKIS student council this semester.  I would like to say
       First, thank you all for voting for me. With teachers and the help of others, I am doing   thanks for voting for me to be the vice president. I learned a lot like how to help
       well in this job. I dreamt to be the Vice President since G4, now I am so excited to have   SKIS students and what to do for school with other council members. This semester
       achieved this goal. I also tried to keep the promises that I made, and one of them was   we did a lot of fun events. I want to say thank you to the teachers and the other
       writing a four-character idiom campaign At first, I didn’t know that it would be of any   council members. Thank you!
       use, but teachers and students told me it was useful and helped them. I was so happy                                           전교부회장 5학년 손채원
       when I heard that, feeling that I did a great job. The other presidents and I and I tried to
       make our school cleaner and safer, so we made some posters to let students know and put
       them into action. I also want to thank the people who helped me during the election. I felt
       very thankful to teachers, my friends, and my sister. I think our school has become safer
       and more convenient. Thank you.

                                                              전교부회장 5학년 이윤지

          교감선생님 인사말

                      존경하는 싱가포르한국국제학교 가족 여러분, 안녕하세요?

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        학교신문과의  만남이  제가  부임하던  첫날처럼  설레임과  행복으로
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                                                만들기  위해  항상  고민하고
                                                우리  싱가포르한국국제학교
                                                가족 여러분 항상 건강하십시오.

                                                      싱가포르한국국제학교 교감 이재흠

                                                                                     skis window Elementary

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