Page 125 - 2019 교육계획서(중등)
P. 125

Ⅵ. 부 록

              <Penalty  standards>
                Penalty  points  will  be  given  to  students  who  act  as  described  in  the  following
              categories,  numbered  1-15.
                       3  points  mean  1  detention.    6  points  mean  2  detentions,  and  so  on.
              Detention  will  take  place  from  18:00-21:00  every  Thursday  evening,  and  will  be
              supervised  by  the  discipline  department  teacher.
                  ∙If  the  student  does  not  attend  detention  then  they  will  receive  three  more
                  ∙If  they  do  not  attend  these  three  detentions,  then  they  must  meet  with  the
              school  Discipline  Committee.
                  ∙If  a  student  has  committed  the  same  violation  two  times  during  the  same  week,
              he/she  will  receive  2  points.

              1.  무단으로  결석,  외출,  조퇴,  결과  :  회당  3점
              1.  Unexcused  absence  from  school  or  class,  tardy  for  school,  leaving  school  early
              etc  :  3  pts  each

              2.  1교시  수업  종료  전  지각  :  회당  1점    /    1교시  수업  종료  이후  지각  :  회당  2점
              2.  Late  before  the  end  of  1st  period  :  1pt  each  /  Late  after  the  end  of  1st  period  :
              2pt  each

              3.  수업에  늦거나  허가증  없이  수업  중  교실  밖을  나가는  경우  매회  1점
              3. Being late for class or outside the classroom without a permission slip: 1 pt each time.

              4.  용의복장  규정을  위반한  경우  :  1일  1점
              4.  Wearing  the  wrong  attire,  earring,  makeup  etc:  1  pt  per  day(Need  to  put  on
              uniform  at  all  times,  except  for  P.E.  classes.)
              Earrings:  Hooked  earrings  not  allowed,  only  1  earring  per  ear.
              Makeup:  Only  bb  cream,  transparent  lip  products  and  eye  pencil  (for  eyebrows)
              are  allowed.  No  blusher,  mascara,  red  lip  product,  eye  makeup,  foundation  etc.)
              Hair:  If  the  discipline  department  teachers  think  the  colour  is  not  appropriate,
              then  the  student  must  change  their  hair  colour  within  1  week.

              5.  학교  행사에  무단으로  불참한  경우  :  회당  2점
              5.  Unnoticed  absence  during  school  events  (Parent’s  Night  etc):  2  pt  each

              6.  교실  컴퓨터를  허가  없이  사용한  경우  :  회당  1점
              6.  Using  school  computers  without  permission  :  1  pt  each
              7.  교육목적  이외에  개인PC를  사용할  경우(컴퓨터  게임,  학과공부와  관련  없는  동영상  시청
              등)  1점
              7.  Using  computers  inappropriately  out  of  non-educational  purpose  (playing  games,
              watching  non-academic  videos  etc)  1  point.

              8.  휴대전화  사용  규정  :  1-2점
                  ∙Playing  games  on  phone  at  school  :  1-2  pts
                    (교내에서  휴대전화로  게임을  하는  경우  1점)

                                                                          싱가포르한국국제학교  ▸▸    125
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