Page 3 - 2021 유치원 3월 뉴스레터
P. 3

K1                                                         K2
                                                                 Children   in   the   K2   class   learnt   about
         In  the  lesson  All  about  Me,  the  K1  children
                                                               cooperation  through  the  song  entitled  The
       learnt  that  the  word  reflection  is  an  image
                                                               Cooperation  Song  by  Sesame  Street  and
       seen  in  a  mirror  or  a  shiny  surface.  Children
                                                               participating  in  two  team  building  activities.
       observed  their  reflections  and  created  their
                                                               They  first  played  a  game  that  required  them
       faces    using    paper    plates.   They      used
                                                               to  form  a  line  holding  hands  and  to  pass
       magazine  cut-outs  and  drew  in  other  facial
                                                               hula  hoops  along  the  line.  Another  game
       features  like  moles  and  dimples  to  represent
                                                               they  played  that  needed  the  children  to
       themselves.  Children  used  strings,  yarns  and
                                                               cooperate  was  to  use  their  legs  to  hold  up  a
       pom  poms  to  create  their  hair.  They  then
                                                               bucket  with  water  poured  into  it  and  then
       presented  their  portraits  in  a  mini  Show  and
                                                               to  slowly  lower  the  bucket  onto  the  floor.
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