Page 3 - 2021 유치원 4월 뉴스레터
P. 3
A kaleidoscope is a toy that uses light and (move away from each other) when they are
mirrors to reflect objects and create alike. After fixing the cars, the K1s had a car
beautiful, fascinating repeating patterns. race, in the words of a few of the children,
While fixing their kaleidoscope, they counted an F1 race.
that they were going to use three mirrors.
Children then placed a packet of sequins
into a cardboard roll and sealed up both
sides with plastic covers. They had so much
looking through their kaleidoscopes.
Science Fair - K2
Science Fair - K1
Children in the K2 class put together a mini
lamp each for this year’s Science Fair. They
were introduced to the concept of a simple
The K1 children were eager to participate in circuit. Children discovered that all they
this year’s Science Fair and were excited needed was a power source like a battery, a
when they found out that they were going light bulb and a wire for it to work. They
to create a magnetic car. These little identified the important parts on their mini
engineers followed step by step instructions lamp, inserted the batteries and fixed the
to fix their magnetic cars. They also lampshade. The K2s were thrilled to discover
discovered that magnets attract (stick the ‘rainbow light’ when they turned on
together) when they are unlike and repel
the switch.