Page 3 - 2019 뉴스레터 3월(유치원)
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games  that  help  us  build  our  relationships  with   children  who  still  felt  quite  possessive  about
       each  other,  such  as  the  Parachute  Game,  ‘Red     their  belongings.  In  fact,  children’s  social,
       Rover’,  and  ‘London  Bridge’.                         emotional  and  cognitive  development  increases,
                                                               when  they  learn  to  share.
                                                                   The  Friendship  theme  which  was  introduced
                                                               last  week  has  aimed  to  reiterate  the  value  and

                                                               the  benefits  of  sharing  with  friends.

                                                                         4월  월중  행사

                                                                 3월 25일(월) ~ 4월 5일(금) : 1학기 유치원

                                                                 학부모 상담주간

                                                                 4월  12일(금)  :  체격검사

               K1  Class:  Our  First  Month  Together!          4월  22일(월)  :  개교기념일(휴원)
                                                                 4월  26일(금)  :  Friendship  Day(K2)
           In  the  first  few  weeks  of  K1  this  year,  the
       children  had  fun  getting  to  know  each  other
       through  various  team-building  games  and
                                                                       당신은  사랑받기  위해  태어난  사람

                                                                   3,  4월에  태어난  SKIS어린이들입니다.  생일을
                                                               진심으로  축하하며,  건강하고  지혜롭게  자라서  이
                                                               세상에  기쁨과  희망을  주는  우리  사람이  되기를  바


                                                                                   N  씨앗반

                                                                           진유주(3.23),  강민(4/22)
                                                                                  K1-1  꽃잎반

                                                                   김나래(3.14),  유지안(4.5),  윤상아(4.11)

                                                                                   K2  열매반
           The  children  enjoyed  building  the  highest
                                                                     임민석(3.12),  옹예린(3.14),  김범(4.1)
       tower  possible  made  of  blocks,  and  also
       creating  art  and  craft  such  as  paper  ice

       creams,  a  “Friendship  Tree”,  and  a  friendship                 가슴  따뜻한  소식  전합니다
       cards  which  were  shared  among  children.  By
       participating  in  the  activities,  the  children  learnt       지난  3월  26일에  우리학교  유치원  학부모님께서
       to  recognize  the  important  life  skills  of  sharing,   유치원  교육  발전을  위한  학교발전기금  S$15,000

       fostering  friendship,  as  well  as  making  other     을  익명으로  기부하셨습니다.
       children  feel  better.                                   해당  기부금은  학교운영위원회  심의를  통해서  유
           Most  children  were  willing  to  share  their  art   치원  학생의    교육을  위해서  소중하게  사용하겠습
       with  other  children,  however  there  were  a  few    니다.  감사합니다.
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