Page 1 - 2018 뉴스레터 7월(유치원)
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2018 SKIS 유치원 7월 이야기

       제 5호  2018. 7.  19.   |   71  Bukit Tinggi  Rd,  Singapore  289759   |    |   발행인  :  김승오

                  Collaboration  Day                                      풀잎반  -  달팽이  이야기

                                               Ms. Jessi
                                                                                                     교사 이혜정

           This  month  was  Collaboration  Day  with
                                                                   내가  가져온  달팽이는  킹  달팽이야.
       Grade  1.  We  got  together  to  play  various
                                                               내가  가져온  달팽이는  아기  달팽이야.
       obstacles  and  challenging  games,  such  as
                                                               달팽이는  무엇을  먹을까?
       Bean  Bag  Toss,  Tug  of  War,  Kick  the
                                                               달팽이가  주황색  당근을  먹었더니  주황색  똥을
       Shoe,  and  Jump  the  Creek.  There  were  two
       teams  for  each  game  and  each  team  was
                                                               달팽이에게  물을  뿌려주니  꿈틀꿈틀  더듬이가
       a  mix  of  K2  and  G1  students.  The  most
       challenging  game  appeared  to  be  Tug  of
                                                               달팽이야~  잘  있어.  내일  또  만나자.
       War  because  both  sides  made  a  great
       effort  and  it  was  difficult  for  one  side  to
       pull   the    other    over    the   finish    line.

       Afterwards,  we  sat  down  to  enjoy  some  ice

       cream  together.

                                                                             천하장사  만만세~

                                                                                                     교사 김선양

                                                                  SKIS  유치원  친구들은  7월  전통문화체험활동
                                                               으로 씨름을 해보았습니다.
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