Page 3 - 2019 뉴스레터 12월(유치원)
P. 3
지진이 났을 때, 대피 요령 첫 번째는, 책상 밑에 strutted their stuff in the Recycled Fashion
숨어서 위에서 떨어지는 물체로부터 내 몸을 보호 Show! Among the costume designs were a
해요. 두 번째, 흔들림이 멈추면 머리를 보호하며 dragon, a snowflake princess, an astronaut, a
넓은 공간으로 대피해야 해요. 우리는 오늘 첫 번 unicorn princess, and a crime fighting
째 사이렌 소리를 듣고, 책상 밑에 들어가 책상 다 scuba-diving policeman! The children gave
리를 잡고 흔들리는 것이 멈추기를 기다렸어요. 드 incredible performances and their effort was
디어 흔들림이 멈추고 대피... 조금은 무섭기도 하 noticed by the enthusiastic audience who gave
고.. 긴장되었어요. 지진이 안 일어났으면 좋겠어 a standing ovation!
요. 하지만, 지진이 일어난다면 안전하게 대피할거
Christmas Decoration
For the past few weeks, the K2 class have
been dabbling at creating their own Christmas
decorations. Through these fun and crafty
activities, they are not only developing their
vocabulary but also exploring a variety of
mathematical concepts (shapes, size, space
Christmas Concert
and mass). The K2 class was challenged to
MS. EVIE create an interlinking chain - “how many strips
of paper would you need to create the longest
chain?”. The class was split into 4 groups, and
each group worked hard to theorise, estimate
and conduct the experiment. Here, we see the
K2 class engaging in scientific thinking
(hypothesizing and conducting the experiment)
and using their knowledge of mathematical
value and numbering. The teachers then
This month the children were involved in a collaborated to use the chain to create a large
lot activities such as Christmas art and craft, a Christmas tree, which is the centrepiece of the
candy cane hunt, and dancing and singing classroom! It is decorated with the origami
along to popular Christmas carols. During the poinsettias that were created in the Korean
Christmas Concert the K1-1 class sang and class. Isn’t it beautiful? This week, we are
danced beautifully to Mariah Carey’s “Santa creating more decorations with wooden
Claus is coming to town”, while the K1-2 snowflakes, and discussing about how