P. 9

2023 1st Semester

                                                                                now. We`re still delivering the letters. I enjoyed this student’s council and I’m proud of it too.
         전교회장단 이야기                                                              I`ll try my best for my school until I finish my duty. I hope what I did during the semester was
                                                                                helpful for you. Thank you and we will be back soon!                                   전교부회장 6학년 박윤진

       Hello? I am Choi Sooah, the school president of SKIS.                    It was an honor to be a vice president for a semester. It was a very happy time. I had fun
       First of all, I would like to say thank you to everyone for allowing me to spend the first   with the friend and teachers at school. I really appreciate the advice and guidance that
       semester as the school president. I still vividly remember the feeling and situation when I   teachers have shared with me. We made lots of good memories.
       was elected as the school president for the first time in March, but it’s hard to believe that   The friend wrote letters for their friends. There were tons of letters, much more than I
       it’s already July. For about 4 months, I was able to keep almost all of my pledges, such as   thought there would be. We delivered them to their own classroom. It was very exciting. We
       distribution of soccer balls, special lunch day, survey on books to read in the library, and   could not do somethings like bringing animals, because it was dangerous. I was very sorry
       other promises at the elementary school council. However, my second promise, Umbrella   for the friend, but they did not care so I was very thankful. Instead of bringing animals
       Rental, It is a pity that the promise was canceled. In addition, since it would be nice to   we did an animal contest. There were a lot of people joining so we were happy. We did not
       commemorate Patriots and Veterans Affairs at the Children’s Association, we held a letter-  finish all our campaign promises so I hope you look forward to it!! Recently, we did some
       writing event for the Armed Forces soldiers who are working hard for our country. We   events. We had a memorable event!! I think some friend heard this for the first time! We
       also made tops, book covers and other things for each grade. I really appreciate the people   explained to them what a memorial day is. I hope they enjoyed it.           전교부회장 5학년 정은선
       who worked hard for us during this event, and I think I’ll always be to remember that our
       country exists because of them. Doing these things seems to have improved my presenting   Hello, everyone! I am Yewon, the vice president of the fifth grade elementry school. First of
       skills and leadership, and most of all, I was really happy that I got to know everyone more!   all, before I begin, I wanted to say thank you to every students who chose me. In fact, it was the
       I was able to experience so many things in this first semester. Thank you so much for giving   first time in my life that I had the opportunity to run for vice president. So, I was grateful to get
       me the opportunity to create some unforgettable memories.                      전교회장  6학년 최수아  opportunity to try out, and I thought, even if I am not chosen, I’ll be thankful. However, you have
                                                                                trusted me and given me the role of vice president, which was my dream come true. It’s already the
       Hello my name is Park yoonjin, the vice president in semester 1, 2023. Time has already passed,   end of the first semester, starting from the end of March. Thanks to your patience and kindness,
       this term is almost ending now. When I became a vice president I couldn`t believe it happened.   I have been able to happily serve as an executive. Even though I have less than one month left on
       I thought, how I could do this because it was such a big title. I was so thankful about you guys   my vice president activity, I will never forget to thank all the students for giving me such a great
       voting for me at the school president elections and now too. Our school presidents did a lot of   opportunity. I would also like to thank you very much for your hard work and active participation
       things this term, we made mail boxes, also, we did a ‘Pet photo bragging contest.’ ‘Library book   in school events. Even though we don’t have much time left, we’ll be sure to give back. Thank you
       survey’ and ‘Patriots and Veterans Day’. We tried our best to work hard for these events, and   again, to all the students!                                                                                              전교부회장 5학년 허예원

          Principal’s Message

                                                                                   사랑하는 SKIS 초등부 어린이 여러분!
         초등부 어린이 여러분! 안녕하세요?                                                       무엇보다 건강하고 즐겁게 학교생활 하시길 바랍니다. 저와 선생님들은 여러분이 우리
         여러분과 함께 생활하게 된 것을 정말 기쁘게 생각합니다.                                         학교에서 건강하고 즐겁게 생활하며, 밝고 맑고 슬기롭게 자랄 수 있도록 힘껏 도울

         여러분은 하루 대부분의 시간을 학교에서 공부하며 보내고 있는데요. 건강하고 알찬                            것입니다. 모쪼록 건강하고 즐거운 방학되세요!
       학교생활이 되길 바라는 마음에서 다음과 같이 세 가지 부탁을 드리고자 합니다.                                                                                2023년 7월 학교장 양미숙 드림

         첫째, 열심히 공부하며 하고 싶은 일이나 자신의 꿈을 찾기 위해 노력하고, 이미
       찾았다면 잘 키워나가길 바랍니다. 학교 공부의 목적은 시간이 지나면 잊게 되는 암기된
       지식을 얻기 위해서가 아닙니다. 공부하는 과정 속에서 삶에 대한 자세와 태도가
       만들어지고, 우리가 살아가면서 부딪치게 되는 무수한 선택의 순간에 보다 현명하고

       좋은 선택을 할 수 있는 힘이 길러질 것입니다.
         또한 하고 싶은 일이나 꿈은 사람을 움직이게 합니다. 하고 싶고, 이루고 싶은 꿈이
       있으면 열심히 생활하게 되지만, 꿈이 없으면 잘 하고 싶은 의욕이 없어 대충대충 하기
       쉽기 때문에 사람에게는 꿈이 중요합니다. 하고 싶은 일을 꿈으로 키우고, 마침내 그
       꿈을 이루어 세계인과 더불어 살아가는 행복한 글로벌시민으로 여러분이 성장하길
         둘째, 여러분이 지금 생활하고 있는 싱가포르를 이해하고 이 곳에서의 시간을 소중히
       보내기 바랍니다. 다양한 인종과 문화가 공존하는 싱가포르는 국토 면적은 작지만
       세계적인 경제, 금융, 관광의 중심지입니다. 한류라 불리는 우리 문화가 전 세계적으로

       유행하기 이전부터 우리나라 기업과 교민들이 싱가포르에 진출하여 이 곳 발전에
       기여해 왔기에 싱가포르는 우리 대한민국과 한국인에 대해 우호적인 나라이기도 합니다.
         21세기 글로벌 시대에 동남아의 허브라 불리는 싱가포르에서 학교생활을 하는
       여러분은 축복받았다고 할 수 있습니다. 싱가포르에서의 생활이 여러분에게 평생에 걸친
       좋은 경험과 기억이 될 수 있도록 영어나 중국어와 같은 공용어도 열심히 배우고 이
       곳의 문화에 대해 관심을 가지고 생활하길 바랍니다.
         세 번째, “나”와 “남”을 모두 귀하게 여기시길 바랍니다. 이 세상은 아름답고 놀랍지만

       그 중에서도 가장 아름답고 귀한 존재는“여러분”이며“나 자신”입니다. 이 세상 그
       누구도 남의 도움 없이 살 수 없기에, 우리는 서로에게 모두 귀한 존재입니다. 자신을
       있는 그대로 사랑하되, 다른 사람도 존중하고, 서로 관계 맺기를 배우고 경험하는 것은
       여러분이 학교에서 익혀야 할 중요한 공부이기도 합니다.
         다만, 이 모든 것은 건강해야 가능하므로 건강이 무엇보다 소중합니다. 항상 몸과 마
       음을 건강하게 유지하기 위해 노력하시기 바랍니다.
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