Page 9 - skis window 신문2023 2학기 최종
P. 9
2023 2nd Semester
second semester of 2023. We tried hard to make our school a better school, prepare
전교회장단 이야기 various events for students to enjoy, and keep our pledges. As a school executive , I was
able to make our school a better school by participating in some campaigns and preparing
Hello, I’m Son Chaewon, president of SKIS student council. hard. I hope students will also pay more attention to the “school that protects each
Thank you for trusting me and choosing me as a president. I tried to make our school other”that we have prepared. It was a meaningful time to serve as a school executive and
students enjoy school during the semester. While doing student council activities, I learned work for the school during the second semester of this year. The second semester is not
that we have to protect each other to enjoy school. Through school violence prevention over yet, so I will try to keep the rest of my pledge. Thank you. 전교부회장 5학년 윤세린
education, we did a survey of what it means as a school that protects each other. There
were many opinions, but I think we should understand each other when it comes to Hello, my name is Minseo! First of all, I’m truly grateful to the students who chose me as the vice
protecting each other. I hope you become SKIS students who understand and protect each president of Singapore Korean International school. I’m honored to be the vice president of this
school. We held many events during the second semester, and some of them were asking students
other. Thank you. 전교회장 6학년 손채원
what they think caring for each other is, Korean Language day, and Hangeul Day event. The most
Hello students, did you have a great time this semester? I hope you did. First, I want to thank all memorable event in my memory was the Hangeul Day event. The lower grades colored King
of you for voting for me. Our student council tried our best to make our school more safe and Sejong and the upper grades wrote a letter to King Sejong during the week of Hangeul Day. We
entertaining. We did some events such as drawing King Sejong, an opinion box and writing notes are very thankful for all the students who participated in this event or even the other ones. During
about safe schools. I’m hoping that you enjoyed those activities and had fun! We also planned the second semester, I felt very pleased with how the student council gave more conveniences to
some Christmas events and I hope that you would like them. I also had a great time doing this SKIS students and while holding the events, I was so happy to make SKIS an enjoyable learning
job with other students. This was Vice president Yunji speaking and I hope you have fun with environment. Thank you all again for voting me as a vice president and I hope we make this
your school days before graduation! 전교부회장 6학년 이윤지 school better in the future! 전교부회장 5학년 곽민서
Hello, I am Yoon Celine, vice president of the Student Council for the second semester of
2023. From now on, I will tell you how I feel about the activities of the school executives.
First of all, it was an honor for me to work for our school as the vice president for the
교감선생님 말씀
싱가포르한국국제학교 가족 여러분, 안녕하세요?
벌써 12월 중순이 지나고 한 해를 마무리하는 시간이 되었네요. 아쉽기도 하고 어떻게
잘 마무리를 해야 하나 항상 고민되는 시간이기도 합니다.
“미운 오리 새끼”라는 동화책을 아시지요? 초등학교 시절 이 동화를 읽으면서
생김새가 달라 형제들과 부모에게까지 버림을 받은 새끼 오리가 너무 불쌍해서 눈물을
흘린 적이 있어요. 하지만 나중엔 아름다운 백조로 변신하게 되죠.
학교신문도 처음 만들 때는 미운 오리 새끼처럼 어려움이 많았을 텐데 잘 조율하면서
여러분의 정성과 노력으로 백조처럼 멋지고 아름다운 학교신문(SKIS WINDOW)를
만들어 주셨네요. 학교 신문을 보면서 올 한 해를 잘 마무리할 수 있도록 생각할 수
있는 시간을 만들어 주신 선생님, 학생 여러분들께 감사하다는 말씀을 드리고 싶습니다.
아울러 성장하는 우리 학생들의 모습을 보니 대견하고 자랑스럽습니다.
올해도 학교생활 잘 해준 학생들 모두 한 명 한 명이 모두 이미 아름다운 백조가
되었을 것이라고 확신합니다. 내년에도 우리 함께 재미있고 즐거운 학교를 만들어가요.
2023년 12월