Page 122 - 2020 교육계획서(유치원)
P. 122

2020학년도 학교교육계획(유치원)

                                      Roles  &  Responsibilities

                   부  서                                                                           담당자
                 (DIVISION)                           업무  내용(DUTY)                              (CHARGER)

                              Overall  management  of  school  affairs  department,  Preparing
                              and  management  of  weekly,  monthly,  yearly  department  plan,
                              Management  of  School  committee,  Coordinating  entrance
                       Head   ceremonies,    graduation   ceremonies,    admission   meetings,     KIM
                        of    Management  of  School  staff(Teachers,  Assistant  teachers,
                      depart Anties),  Management  of  Emergency  Contact  System,  overall      MYONG
                       ment   maangemernt  student's  assessment  record,  Management  for         SUN
                Scho          dividing  classes,  Management  of  Faculty  working(holiday
                 ol           working),  Management  of  attendance,  Parents  Meeting,  Indoor
                 rs           and  outdoor  safety  management, Parent  Engagement Class

                              Management  of  School  committee,  Management  of  CCA
                      Plann   (Program,  time  table,  teachers),  Management  of  Time  table,   KIM  YUJIN
                       ing    Managing  the  official  document,  Safety  Education,  Buying  stuffs,
                              Management  of  teaching  material

                              Overall  management  for  Research  department,  Overall
                              management  General  School  Curriculum  of  Korean,

                       Head   Making  school  plan  book,  Educational  staff  workshop  and
                        of    training  related  work  for  korean  teachers,  Managing  of
                      depart make  up  class  ,  Field  trip(N2),  Friendship  day,  Self-directed   KU  JAHYE
                       ment   workshops  and  in-office  duty  during  school  vacation
                              periods,  Satisfaction  surveys,  Class  operation  fees,  Open
                              class,  Cooperate  with  English  Teachers

                Inter         Public  relations(Home  page,  calendar,  yearbook),  IT(Video  and
                nal   Plann   PPT),  Supporting  the  IT  of  Event,  Traditional  culture  education,
                 &            managin  and  buy  school  supplyment,  Newsletter,  Pocket  money,  KIM  JIHUN
                rese   ing    Management     of   teachers   of   Chinese   and    Taekwondo,
                arch          Management  of  school bus
                              English  curriculum(K,  N2),  Supporting  Field  Trip,  International  week,   Ewelina
                      English   Supporting collaboration day,  Friendship  day  and  all the events, Managing   Cichecka
                      depar   english books & supplies
                              English  curriculum(N1,K),  Supporting Field Trip(K2), Water play, Supporting   1st  Sem:
                              collaboration  day,  Friendship  day  and  all  the  events,  Managing  english
                                                                                                2nd  Sem:
                              books & supplies

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