Page 3 - 2019 뉴스레터 4월(유치원)
P. 3

인지  더욱  맛있었습니다.  맛있는  간식을  먹은  후에                       hula  hoops”  where  the  children  had  to  listen  to
       스위스  친구들과  재미난  게임을  하였는데요.  우리                         the  music  until  it  stopped  and  find  a  hula  hoop
       가  알고  있는  Freeze  Game,  Musical  chair  game          to  sit  in.  But  our  by-far  most  popular  day  was
       등  게임을  하며  함께  웃고  즐기는  시간을  보냈습                       when  we  discussed  tasted  because  we  got  to  have
       니다.  게임  후에는  다른  교실로  이동해서  소가면을                       a  taste  test  with  various  foods!  We  talked  about
       만들었습니다.  가면을  만들면서  스위스를  대표하는                          categories  of  food:  sweet/sour,  creamy,  salty,  bitter,
                                                               spicy  and  a  texture/sound  of  food  –  crunchy  and
       동물이  소라는  사실도  알게  되었습니다.
                                                               then  tasted  foods  such  as  olives  (bitter),  a  Korean
           마지막으로  스위스  친구들이  준  노래  선물과  과
                                                               snack  (spicy),  cheese  (creamy),  lemon  drops  (sour),
       자  선물을  받아  안고  인사를  나누며,  다음  주에  꼭
                                                               etc.  The  children  either  loved  the  taste  of  the  food
       다시  만나기로  약속했습니다.  다음  주에는  스위스
                                                               and  kept  eating  it,  or  made  a  “yuck”  face  and  spit
       친구들과  어떤  활동을  하며  즐겁게  지낼까요?  벌                        it  out  into  the  trash  while  the  rest  of  us  watching
       써부터  기대됩니다.                                             laughed.  It  was  great  fun  for  all!

                 K2  Class  :  Our  5  Senses  Theme                    K1  Class  :    Feelings  and  emotions

                                                MS. JESSI          For  this  month’s  theme,  we  explored  subjects
                                                               close  to  your  children’s  wellbeing:  feelings  and
                                                               emotions.The  children  participated  with  a  lot  of

                                                               enthusiasm     in   several    literacy   activities,
                                                               including  “Bingo”  which  helped  them  to
                                                               improve  their  vocabulary  and  word  recognition
                                                               skills  on  the  subject.  The  K1  students  also

                                                               explored  what  it  means  to  have  feelings,  which
                                                               was  expressed  via  painting  and  drawing.  Their
                                                               beautiful  art  paintings  -  titles  “Monster”  -  are
                                                               now  displayed  in  the  hallway.  The  children  put
                                                               so  much  effort  into  their  work  and  were  able
                                                               to  identify  emotions  like  sadness,  anger,
                                                               happiness,  astonishment  or  even  disappointment

                                                               and  share  their  experiences  with  others.  The
                                                               exercises  were  aimed  to  help  the  children
           For  our  “5  Senses”  theme  during  the  second   identify  and  manage  their  feelings,  which  will
       week  of  April,  we  spent  one  day  on  each  of     hopefully  lead  to  increased  self  confidence  and
       our  senses:  touching,  smelling,  seeing,  tasting,   self  esteem.

       and  hearing.  For  touch,  we  had  a  chance  to
       pass  around  various  pieces  of  material  and
       learn  words  to  describe  how  they  felt.  For
       smell,  we  passed  around  items  like  soap,
       perfume,  air  freshener  and  scented  candles
       and  tried  to  guess  the  smell  from  a  group  of

       pictures  while  learning  phrases  like  “That
       smells  good/great/nice/bad/yucky!”  For  sight,
       we  looked  at  everyday  objects  around  us  and
       learned  our  “5  Senses  song”  and  for  hearing,

       we  played  “Guess  that  sound”  and  “Musical
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