Page 44 - YEAR BOOK 2021
P. 44
동화구연, 롤모델PT 대회
Storytelling, Role model PT competition
9월 둘째주, 독서행사 주간을 맞아 1~3학년에서는 동화구연대회, 4~6학년에서는 롤모델PT대회가 진행되었습니다.
동화구연대회는 자신이 읽은 책 가운데 가장 재미있고 인상깊었던 책을 친구들에게 스토리텔링하는 시간이었습니다.
그리고 롤모델PT대회는 자신이 존경하는 인물 또는 인상깊은 위인전을 프리젠테이션 하는 시간이었습니다. 대회에 참가한 학생들은 독서가 주는 즐거움,
감동, 교훈을 느낄 수 있었습니다.
In the second week of September, to celebrate the week of reading events, storytelling contests were held for 1st-3rd graders, and role
model PT contests were held for 4th-6th graders. The children's storytelling contest was a time to select one of the most interesting and
impressive books among the books he had read and introduce it to his friends. And the role model PT contest was a time to explain the
person you admire to your friends. The students who participated in the competition could feel the joy, emotion, and lessons of reading. | 46