Page 17 - The Shopping Mall
P. 17
1• CENGAGE Learning·
We went home.
PM Starters
Te"-' ,Q 2007 Annette Srnrth, Beverley Randell. Jenn/ G,IPS
The shoppi ng mall 1Uustr.Jllons ;O 2007 (engage Lca1n1ng Australia Pty L1rmted
Magenta Level 2
rc~t ,\rml.'1tcSm1th. BeverleyRJndell.JennyGiles
lllustr allOM l.1CQUI GrJntford
Copyright Not ice
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M ums and Dads
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Time fo r dinner
1'1odutt1 on Controller· Seon,1 GJlbally
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Look at me
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At the zoo
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The go-karts
rio1Ice and warning w,1h the cop•cs of 1ne \-Vork d1ssem1na1ea Taking all
In the trolley
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The shoppi ng mall
ISBN 978 0 1/ 013353 1 I go to school
156N 978 0 17 013322 7 (set)
The skier
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