Page 18 - My tower L4
P. 18

Look     at  my  big  tower!                     ;-'# NELSON
                                                             I -
                                                                CE NGAG E Learning·
                                                               My TOWH              · e.i 'J n oo Beverley Randell
                                                                                    Illus] ,,•1~•11  C 2000 (engage Lumins Australia Pty limited
                                                               Te.~t Be,,e,ley R.andell
                                                               Designer: S.irah Fletcher
                                                               lllustralions:JoyAnionie   t:op  rl,::ht l~otlce
                                                                                    "hi!i }vcrk is copyright. No ~rt of !his Work may be reproduced, stored In
                                                               Ty~setln NelsonGill
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                                                                                    '.;;];~~;:nc~:s~~:;:~:~~;~:~r~!:~i~:tf:: :::~::e; the
                                                               Photo Time
                                                               Kitty Cat            !'.:J'.~i:t:~:;;;~:~~;;1;~;:~c~~~~~;:~spuy~~;:;::::~::;~~:s.
                                                               Sam and Bingo        ,.hil~f't  or 1o,i. of this book, whkhever is gre;iter: Providing ;in
                                                               Little(h1mp          ;1pp11p1,,ne notice and warning with the copies oft~ Wo,k
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                                                               BabyW.akesUp         !UPP. ta rl'n1uneratlonnoticetoCALand~yanyr~u1red fees
                                                               The Big Hill
                                                               TeddyBurs'Picnic     ISBJ9?SI') 170095815
                                                                                    ISBi  W8 Q 17 009~2 2 (set)
                                                               PM Plus
                                                               Red l evel4          C:eni 11geLt1rnln1 Austr11ll1
                                                               My Tower             l.evel DorusStreet
                                                               My Book              :~uJ, Y.e  t:, ,urne. Victoria Ausm!ia 3205
                                                               littleChimpandSigChimp   l'h7e  I )Ou 790 85]
                                                               Jack's Birthday      1:ens-agtleu nlngNewZealand
                                                               Btdtime              Unl~~i3  R-:>Sed;i!eOfficePark
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