Page 17 - My Accident L2-3
P. 17

,  .. ,#  NELSON
 .   I -  CENGAGE Learning·
 Here  IS  a   helmet!
      Myaiccldent            le•t i;  2007 Jenny Gile5
                             11IU!itrat1or,s () 2007 Ct'ng.JBt' Le,unmg :.us1r.;1ia Pty L1m1t'"'J   PM Starters
      lc<t: Jenny Gilt"•                                       Magenta Levels 2/3
      lllu~HJl1ons. Meredith Thcnn:n
      ld1tor J,l(Qllli.' IC,lkcriny   Copyright Notice
      Dc-~1t:nl'r C11Sl m.1 Ne,., Can.iry Graphic Ot-s,gn   Th,s \\'011. 1s coo)'rlght  No p::i11 of this Wo,1. may~  repoduced, sto1ed ,n
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                                                               Ice creams
                             1SBN 978 0  17 Ol3l62 3
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                                                               Where are the eggs?
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