Page 19 - Little Chimp and Big Chimp L4
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,"'# NELSON  .
 Little  Chimp  IS   up   I•  CENGAGE  Learning·

        Lllllt!Chlmpand811Chlmp   Text (l 2000 Jenny GIits
                           lltustr1tions (I }000 (engage Learning Australia Pty Limited
 in  the  big  tree.   Drstgner. s,,ah Fletcher   Copyrl1htNotltt
        lllustrations: RacheJTonkln
                           a retrie~al sy,;tem, or transm,uC'd in any fo,m 01 by any means w1th01.1t
        Reprlnt:SlewHanOng   ThlsWork isCOll)'rlght.Nop.1rtof1h,sWorkmaybereproduced.st0te-d in
                           pfio1wrottenpe1mlssionofthePubhsher. hctpta1p!'rrr11ttedunderthe
        Acknowlfllsem,nts   Copyright Act 1968, for t"•ilmplt' •ny fillr dt"illmg for tht" pur~s of
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        S..m ;mdBlngo      chapterorlO..ofthlsbook,whicht"verisgruter:P1ov1dmgiln
        Little Chimp       appropriiltenotlceandwi1rmngw,ththt"copie1of1heWork
        HereCome-;UttleChimp   disSt"mlni1INl; iilkingilllreasoni1blestepsto limili1CCt'SSlOlheSt"COl)les
        JackandB,lly       IOl)t'OPlt"i1Ulho11St"d !orect"1vetheSt"copies;Ensurlngyouholdtht'
        S..m'sBalloon      i1ppropriiltellct"ncesissut"dbyth.eCopy11ghtAgencyUm,tNl(-CAL1.
        Baby Wakes Up      supplyi1remuneriltionno1,cetoCALi11'\dpi1yilnyrt"Qu,1Nlf~.
        The Big Hill
        TNldyBNrs'Picnlc   ISBN978017009S754
        Redlnel4           Ctn111tLHrnln1Austr1U1
        My Tower           Level7.80DorcasStrttt
        My Book            SouthMelbourne,\lictor1i1A.ustrilhi13205
        LittleChimpand8igCh1mp   Phone:1300790B53'sRace
        Jxk'sBlrthday      C,n111e Lurnln1 Ntw Zul1nd
        Bedtime            Unit48Roscdi1leOfficePi1rk
        The Lucky Dip      331  Ro~ille Roild, AINny, North 5hore NZ 0632
        Let's Pretend      Phone:080044972S
        Mother8i1d         Forlei1rnmgs.olut,ons,visit c,n1•1e,com.1u
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