Page 17 - Tiger,Tiger
P. 17

  ~- #  N ELSON    5 4
   ,_  CENGAG E Learn ing·
 Ba by  Monkey   Tiger, Tiger   reu  <i 1993 ee  ... e,try R.tndf' l
                              1lluslra1t0n\   1993 Cen~ap,e leJrn,nR Au  1,-,r a  Ph l1rr.  t"°'J   PM Story Books
 .     Te.11· Beverley Ranoen                               Red u,volA
       lllustrauons. John Boucher
 IS  up   Reprln1· Siew Han Ong   Copyright Notice
                              This Worlc is cop.,.r1gh1 No  part  of th,,. W01, mJ, t~·
       Acknowledgement.s      ,eprc.duce-d, sto1ed ma ,etn~al S)'\tem. 01  1 J, s n,ned  1,  J
       Ongln.1\ly published In New z~aland In 197b by   form or by Jny me.1ns without pr C'' -'1<11th,•n t,..•rro  -,;
       Price M1tbum and Co LIm1ted   Publ1shtr  bccpt  ,h  permitted unde, the C..••.-.•►r  l'-'N .t,:t 15'f>S.
 1n  the  tree.   Printed In Chin;a by 1010 P1111ting lnterna11onal lid   for Cllample anv r.rn deat,n,~ ru, the p1.,t,)C;t  u! µ   ,.   •  J;
                              research, rr1t1c1sm 01 1e1t1e  .....  , s~•bJrtl ro u•fl 1,r, l,rrq;:it
       3637 1 8171615         These hni,t.u,ons include  Ne\l< 1ct1r-g 1 he <.opy,r,t: 1
                              m.1.,,,1mum o f one chapt~r 01  10  cf thts bc<,1  ...,h1Ch,;-,N
                              greater, Prov,dmg Jn  ,1ppropri.:itc notI1.t,• and ,•,.irrun.: w,th !f"-4!'
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 IS   safe  .                 ISBN 978 I gb 955545 0
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