Page 3 - Mother Bird L4
P. 3

>'L  URA.N'S    ..t
 r                                   COCKHILL.
 RUNNING  WORDS:  7S                 ~H.TNCRA'N~
              Mother  Bird
 Non-fiction (levels 5-6)
 Story Book•
 My Tower   At  the  Toy  Shop frecounr/letterJ   Story  by  Annette  Smith   [\lustrations  by  Julian  Bruere
 Time  for Ploy  flnformollve/ explonoto,y/
 My Book
 little Chimp and Big  Chimp   Ploying with  Dough  (repor1/observo1ionol)
 Som'.s  Race   Where is  ii Safe to  Ploy? (expoiirory)
 Jock's Birrhdoy   Making a  Cot and a  Mouse  lproct!durolj
 Bedtime   Toys  and Ploy /verse/
 The Ludy Dip
 let's  Pretend
 Red Puppy
 Mother Bird
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