Page 16 - The Toytown Helicopter L5
P. 16
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Rrrrr! Rrrrr! Rrrrr! I• CENGAGE Learning·
The Toytown Hcllcoplu Tc,r C'· 2000 JCnl1)'Glll<5
IUusllJtlc.,u (I 2000 Ccnt .:i;c Lea•r Lng ~ i.,sl~1•J Pty llnuld
Tc.o.t: Jc:nnyG,lcs
The Toytown helicopter Designer: SJrJh flclChc, Copyrieht NotJu
lllusUJllon~ Rlch.ud Hoot
This WOI\ 1 s CGF;rlghL No of tha Worl rn:iy be rcproduc,e,d stored i,, J rcu.cval l)·Stl!'tn 01
Typeset In: Nelson Gm
R e-print: SI~ Han Ong lr.Jnsm,ut'd "' arr, fcrm er by .ar-,) mu~ wrthour pno, o'l>htlC" pe,m,ss,on ol tht- Publlshc-1 U ct"PI
a~pcrmlnt'd u~rrtl'.c Ct,p )'r'flU .Jct 1:;c.s. forc.:o:amp!c an1 h ,1 d~lin& lor th-e purpos.c.i. ol pr";>lt
\lud1. rtSe.Jrch, cnt•c•~m or lf:Vlt'N. ,-ubiKl to,in l,m,uu,:,n!>. Th('i.e limtUl,,>ru fnd~-de
PMPha Rc~111(ll"g the cooy,rg to., m.J\Jmum of 011c ch:ipttr o, 10-... of tnh b.::ol,,,. wh!chel. ·1:1 1\ g1C"J1tr;
IS coming home. Red Level S te.J~:,blc ~tep, to l,n-,t Jcccu lo thn,.,: copic-s lo~~ :,utiionS<N;t to rtccive lhEc>c cop1t-s:
Pro,1d,ng Jn :,pprop,1 :itc llOt•CC' Jnd ,um ,ne w,th copte,, of u,C' \'t or~ d1utmJn11f'IJ. h l:•"i: :,II
Killy .1nd the fhh
t')old !he :.pproon :ite l •cc ncl:"i ls'iucd by 1hc Cc.p:,-r:ghl ~ gcncy l,m1 kd 1 · C~ L -.. ~uppl>
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Bingo's Ice Crc.Jm
8lby P.H'ldJ J rcmu,11~nt1oc, notice to CAL .111d P-IV :,11y •~uired IC!'C'\..
Monl cy on the R oof
Run, RJbblt. Run! ISSN 973 O 17 OG~90 -
Kitty Jnd F,lt Cat 158N 973 0 17 009592 1 (kl )
~ - ,-- 81 llyh Hld'"C Ccn1>1c Lumlrti Aw tnll:,
The Toytown H t lJcoptcr
The Toytown Rescue
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~~·s Picnic Sou:h Melbcumc. v,nor,.t ~ust. "'llu J:os
Pl'IOl'I<. 1 )00 790 !SJ
Cenpp Lumlne N~ Zuw,d
Unit Rowd:,!c Off>eC!' h r\:
lJl Re5.CO!e R~. A!!Uny, Noah St\ore NZ 06)2
Phcr,c 0300 ~ 9 ns
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•f~ :f~' i'nnt~ ,n Cl'tlru b-j 1010 Pnnl.lng lntttn.11,oNI Ltd
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