Page 17 - In the Trolley L2
P. 17

,-•#  NELSON
    ,  •   C[ NGAG[ Learning·
 The   food   IS   ,n  the   tro\\ey.
       10 1hetrollcy        te-,t ,,  JOOi ;1.m,cnc\n"l"· ~~t' '·CJ Pl",,  ..  ,  ,._.r,r, <,  ...
                                                          PM Starters
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                                                          Magenta Level 2
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                                                         Murns and Oads
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                                                         T1rne for dinner
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                                                         Look al rne
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                                                         At the roo
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                                                         The go-karts
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                                                         In the 1rolley
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                                                         Tbe shopping mall
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                                                         I go 10 school
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                                                         The skier
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