Page 17 - Where is it safe to play
P. 17
It IS safe to
;·'# NELSO N
t • CENGAGE Learning·
Te:1t O 2C00 Annet!e: Srn1 th. Seve, k y RJndell. jt'nny Gile.>
run and play Photc~n~ht O 1000 Ctn£lSt: l e.Jmlng AtJstuli;i Pry L1m11ed
Whrre Is h S.:a(~ to Pl~y1
T t aC Annette Smith. ee'llerlc:1 R.1ndell, Jenny G,l~s
Je.-.t designer: SJr,1h Fletcher Copyright Notice
Cover di:slgnL•r KJ1\.'n N L •t1d l1l!ld This \'/or\ ,s co~,,,&ht N~ pm or 1h1 ~ Worlr. IT' ..J-, • be.• ttproduc1:d s1vr.:d ,n
Pho1 ogr.1phs: B o ll Thom» l tt!tr1e,.1I SJ Slem, 0 1 t,Jn1tn1t:ed ,n .;ny form or b '{ ;:Jn· > • mNn:; \\1thou l
Typt:set In Nelson Gtll ~nc,r ...-r,tlen ~ m •» e n c,f t.rc Publi:th-e.r l.l(cpt .u pc1m111.ed unCt r thr
,n the park. Reprint.: S1 -:-w t·tJn Ong Cc~ grr ...1-.7 196.S, for C",Jmplc ..iny l.m deJling kr the p Jrpo>~i o t UudJ r~ ~...1rct' ,. critk,-:.m 01 H .•,m:.• ,. ~ub;"!Cl 10 CefllJll l1r-111,1Uons
Tht""...e 1 -m,tJtJCr.s rr.cluc!.::: Q~stric.t,ng l!'l-: cc o 1 1 n~ 10 J mJ11mum uf C''lc
PM Plus Non Fiction C.hJpter er IQ .. , ::t U\1 , 0:oo'.... wh1cric~er t\ grt~te-r: Prav,a,ng ~u
Rod L<veh S/6 l ;:p1ot1iJtt r ,:t,::C ) nd vrlm,ne \'tllr'I tt·~ :-;o C'\ d t hc: WotJ
.\t the Toyshop (re-count/letter)
Tlrne for PtJy {informJt1 vc/cA planJtor1> .::J1 1~m,r..:1te-d, h C 1 r g .all re'l.;.onJb'e , lees to limit Jr:cr:s to l l"lt >t. • cop,!!;
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Wh~re is it SJfe 1 0 PIJy! (NposJto,y} :ippr.:pr 1 lle L ccr c c-11i:.ued bf lht Cop,-rl-ght Atenty L1 m1ttd ~ ~CAL"}.
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Toys , nd Pl•y (v<rse)
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