Page 17 - The Littlle White Hen L8
P. 17

"I  will  lay  my  egg   ;·•~ NELSON
             I  -
                 A (engage Company
                                           Teu 01001 Bt-vffley R.indell
                 The Little  White Hen
 inside  with  the  hens,  after  all,"   Te,t: Bevei-ley Randell   lllustr.11tom C  2001 Ceng.ige!f.i' J  ?tt l,"T'  :ed
                 Des,gner. Karen Nettelfie!d
                 Illustration: IS.lbcl towe   Copyright Notk e
                 Reprmt: Siew Han Ong      This Work is copyright. No p, m  of th,s Wor~ rnav  ~  rep,ocuct-e  1.iort'!J ·"
 said  the  little  white  hen.            a retneval S~tem, Of tr.llrumiaed 1n ;my fOfm o, by J l'TV  ~Jr:s ..,.,t"IOu:
                                           pno, wr1tto?n ~rm1ssion cf the Publ,s~r  bcept ;as ~r~,tt~  v~r  1~
                 PM Plus                   Cooyr1ghr .-let 196& for e,.:amp!e Jny  1 a,r de,1,i,"lg for:~ ;:,ur~  cl
                 Yellow Lelo'el  8         private study. resea1ch. critic:,~  Of re  ..  ew. wbjt-et to ceru  n l•m,UtlO'ls
                 1<,ny Cat Flays Inside    Thes.e l,m1 tat,oo!i. include  Res1r1cllng t~  ccµy,ng to ,1  m., ,,m.Jm of ~
                 A Party fO{  Bro1\ n Mouse   chaptN or 10,.. of this boo~. wh,che\er ,s greJ!e1,,r.5 l 'l
                 Kat1(•s C.11erp,llar      appropo.1te nolKe and warning w1 1h the coo,es of the \-.orl
                 Ma.c Rides His Bike       ms!temlna tt"d; Ta lung all ru~ble  :.te~ to !tn11  acceu t,:, the~ c~
                 Ma~ Goes fishmg           to  ~  pie authonsed to rece1..,e  tl'ttte; E.nsunrg voo hold tt'>e
                 Jumbo                     appropn.He licences ,uued t>y the Cooynght .\gen<)'  L1m,ted (· CA.l -1.
                 Look Out for Bmgo         supply a  remuner:ttion notKe 10 (..:.L  aod p.:iy .any rt'l.uired ftts
                 The  t ittle White Hen
                 Roar  t,ke .i  Tiger      ISBN 978 0 17 009628 ,
                 M .H and the Li tt le PlJnt   ISBN 978 0 17 00963-i 8 (m l
                                           Cengage LHrning Auslnilla
                                           Level ,_ SO Dore.JS Street
                                           South Melbourne. VlCtonJ A.ustr,11,a  3105
                                           Phone· 1300 790 SS3
                                           Cengo1ge Luirning New Zuland
                                           Urn l -1 B Rosedale Office P:irl..
                                           331  Ros.edale Road. Albany. North ShOfe NZ 0631
                                           Phone· 0800 .u 9 725
                                           For learning $O(ut1ons. \ 1 )1 1;tu
                                           Punted in S111gapo1e by 1010 P1mtmg Group L,m,led
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