Page 19 - Little Chimp L3
P. 19

Mother  Chimp  comes   up   #, ..,  A cengage Company
    -•~ NELSON
                            Text C  lOOO jfnny Gi~
                            llkntr1ll-O"S Cl 2000 c,ng. lU•l'll"I Australia Pty t,mittd
 to  Little  Chimp.   Tt•t:JennyG1les   Copyrl1ht Hotkt
       [>tsigner· SJrah F!etche1
       1llumations: Rache!Ton~in
       Typc U1 NelsonG1l1   his Y/ork ,; copy,ighL No ~rt of this Work l'N)' be l~oductd, storttl ,ri
       Reprmt; S,ew Han Ong   a retr~IS)Stem.ortrM!.1'11ltltdin1ttyfotmorbyK1ymtM'!lW1U'IOut
                            p·M)l'wril1t<'IP'rrniulonoftht Publl~r. Ucept   perm,ntd under the
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       PMPlus               privne s:udy,rt1,H•<h, crltlch.morr~.wi,,«1toc~11,1ion1.
       Redltve1 3           HitW ~m t .. 11oru ioc:ludt: Rntric1inz the copying 10 a nuum1,1m of oo,e
                            clupter c,, lO"l.ofthl1book.whic~r ,igruter:ProYldingan
       Photo Time
       ~1ttyCat             11,propoa\e notice and wa1n,ng With the Cop!e'i of the WOR
       Sam and Bongo        d1uerr•~tl!'d; hklng JII  rtUONble Steps to hmlt M:CHS to 1~ COl)IH
       t,ule(h1mp           te   •..nhotisH IO rtctiw t~(opin,; Ens.iring you MIid the
                            •pprop,;i !t: lkencn IHued by the Copynght Agency L,m1ted iCAl ").
       Jackand B,lly        ~~pply • r,....  ,ntrJtion ootice to CAL Jnd PJy Jny req1med f~
       Sam's B•lloon
       Baby Wakes Up        1S3N9IB 0170095662
       ThtB1gH1II           1S3N9IB0 17 0095n 6(se-l)
                            Ctn111e lHmlnaAustnilla
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