Page 18 - Here Comes Little Chimp L3
P. 18

.                      ~-•~  NELSON
             Little  Chimp  IS  up                         1•  CENGAG E Learning·

                                                              HtrtComu LlttleChlmp   Tc-•t Cl JOC/.)lenny C,1les
                                                                                   lllustra·<OtJ~ 'i 2000 Ceng•ge Luming A,,,st11lia Pty l.Jm11'1J
                                                              r,,, Jenny Gilts
                                                              Designer: Sarah flttthtr   Copyrlzbt Notke
             in  the  tree.                                   llh,strations: h chtllonkln   This W.;•~ ·~ r0py,1ght No ~rt of tht1 WOfk m~ be reproduced. Slored m
                                                              Ty~stt inNelsonGllt
                                                              Reprlnt:Slew HanOng   a rtlf~ v~l ,yllem, or tr•Mm,ntd In any form or by •rry meJns Without
                                                                                   p11o,r w ,tt,n oerm,ssion of the Publisher, h c~t .n ~mitted undef the
                                                                                   Copyr,t:~r 4c: 1968. for eomple •ny fa,, duhng fOf the purpo,,n of
                                                                                   pr,vate ~II.Kit  rt\earch, Cfll!CIVl'I Of  r~i-. su~t to ,~u,n 1,m,Ul>OM.
                                                              Red Levell           Thtttl 1n1t1ti.onsln<lude: Rutrictin11thecopy,ngto•r11.1••mumofone
                                                              Photo l ime          {11.1pttr o•  IC' " of th,s book. whicht'tt1 ,s gruttr: Prov!d,r,g •11
                                                              Kitty Cat            Jp~opr••' t  r,otlct JndwJmlr,g with 11'\t c~ ol !ht Work
                                                              Sim and Bongo        dincm,11Jlt'll  T1k111g•II rusori.iblt Slt!X 10 lim,1 .CCCSS to thnt t~
                                                              L1ttleCh1mp          to ~  •It  .. ,..1110,,w-<1 to 1~t •vt thew cC>plrt E11wrIris you hold tl'lt
                                                              Here Comes lit1le Chimp   ap:,,op ,::..! t Ctntn lswtd by tl'lt (O()y1'1ght AS"flCY  L1mrttd ('"(AL").
                                                                                   supply •  rr•'l'-Mnliorl not,ct to CAL  and pay.iny rtquued f~
                                                              Sam's Balloon
  I                                                           BabyW•kesUp          IS!\N978 t17 ~31
                                                              The Big Hill         ISI\N 978 011 009S716ht1)
  I                                                                                Cen1ar.1 t u,nins Aust ralia
                                                                                   Ltvtl7, SUOofcnStrttl
  I                                                                                South MtlcoulM, V,ct01i1  Austr•1l.i 3205
                                                                                   Phone: 1300 190 851
  I                                                                                C•nsat• Lurnl111 New ZHland
                                                                                   Unit 48 kosr,'ale Offkt P.i,k
                                                                                   331  R~d.i 1 ~ 41.Jd.Al~ny, North Short NZ 06)2
  I                                                                                Pho~:O&t,0 449715
  I                                                                                 Pflllltd ,n !,•nQport by 1010 Prin1111g c.,oup L,m,teci
                                                                                    ll IS 17 1~
  I   -
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