Page 2 - Here Comes Little Chimp L3
P. 2

Here  Comes
            RUNNING  WORDS:  69

                                                              Little  Chimp

               Story Books
               Photo  Time
               Kitty Cot                                                   Story  by  Jenny  Giles
               Som  ond  Bingo                                          Illustrations  by  Rachel  Tonkin
               Little Chimp
               Here Comes  Little Chimp
               Jock and  Billy
               Sam's Balloon
               Baby Wakes  Up
               The  Big  Hill
               Teddy Bears' Picnic
               Non-fiction (Levels  5-6)
               At  the Toy Shop  f,ecouot/ lene,f
               Time  for  Ploy  linformotive/explonotoryJ
               Playing with  Dough  [report/observational)
               Where is it Safe to Ploy?  fe,po,;10,yf
               Making a  Cot and a  Mouse  (procedural)
               Toys and  Ploy f,e,se)

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