Page 3 - Red Puppy L4_Classical
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Red Puppy
$Y Level4
s-,.11001<1 Non-fiction (levels 5-6) Story by Annette Smith
My Tower At the Toy Shop lrecount/letterl Illustrations by Lisa Simmons
My Book lime for Ploy linfo,tnCJ1Ne/e•pbnmo,,yl
Little Chimp and Big Chimp Ploying with Dough (repo,t/ obt.eMJtionol)
Sam's Race Where is it Safe to Ploy? [expotiioryl
J ack's B ir!hdoy Making O Cot and O Mouse [procedu10ll
Bedtime Toys and Play l11erwl
The lucky Dip
Let's Pretend
Red Puppy
Mother B ird