Page 17 - The Pencil L2-3
P. 17

# -•~  NELSON
   I •   CE NGAGE Learning·
 I  can  fly!
      The pencil             T c ,t c, 2007 ~ -.,crlt/ R andell
                             tllu-.trat,on~  (.• 2007 Ccne.i:gc le-am ng k..·.tra  ;; Pty L,rf' ted   PM Starters
      Tut: Beverlt'1 Pandtll                                  Magenta Levels 2/3
      l1 1 u\trahOn\  lu~I  l o wt   Copyright Notice
      [d,tor- 1acq1,11e J(,l~eriny
 I  can  fly!   ~~1g~,· CMtm  .. Neri. Can.Hy Graphic ~,gn   Th,,; wo,-. 1~ copyr,ght. r10 p:irt of th~ Wor\o: may be rtprOC:-<~. ~:,:,rt'.!  .,   Packing my bag
                             11et•,e1il1 sy;:em. or U;JMIT',:terl tr. J~/  fc,rm or oy a"I/  rrea~n ~. !hGrJ:
      P1oduct,on Controller  S.Con1 G.llbally
      ilep11nL Siew Han Ong   pr or ,,ntte-n oermt~~ en c.f :he Put;,,-.M,·  [ , ct:i:;: a-. pe-rm1 •:o:a urrt~r 1~.~
                             Copy11ght -1ct 1963 . fr,r e,Jrrple any fa,r dt:i!' ng fer tre p•.·v,·,~·. c,f   Sally's new shoes
                             pr1 , ate -.1udJ. re~t'arcl'>. U!t,,:,-.m or re·,  cw. ;ub;cc- V> certai~ •,m,tat,<,'l';   Stop!
                             fhese l.mrt<1\1on-. 1fl( Re·,ti1c1,ng ct-.e cap 1 mg t:>.:. ma,,:"I' u  ..  , of ,re
                             chapter  or 10-.. of !hi•. boo".  vih,d,~1 e: 1\ 3reater, ?ro,,c •,2 .1:i .~;:~1op•,J:e   The rock pools
                             not1te .1nd ,,,1rrung  • m !h tnt= tcp,e~ c,f t he Wor;. dlts!'.'~1n.1te<J. la•  "led'!
                                                              Cat and M ouse
                             rl!a~on,1!,;1(' :tcp'. to !im,: acre•.~ •r; tt''!:.e ccp,c~ :o ~o::• ~ ih.:trc• -;.ed to
                              rMe , !!! 1ne-.e cop1e-1,: Eti!tu11ng / UJ he d the .1;,p10pria1r: L1ci:~te·. ,•.~u"'~ ty   My accident
                              1he Copy11g•11 ;.gen<./ L,rr tcd {"(J. L  ~/. ·,l.;;p:f .;i rem  ... n~ra:,.:.n rc.t cc t-:i   Fishing
                              CAL  .1nd ~.11 a.rr1 rccu rec fttt
                                                               Ice creams
                              15BN9780170Ul7S ?
                              tSEN 9i8 017 OllS1S 1 (~ti       The pencil
                                                               Where are tJ->e eggs?
                              Ccng.1ge Lurning Au,tnlia
                              le·,t,I 7,WDotc.nSH~ t
                              Pnore: 1300 ]t.,() 851
                              Ceng.1ge Lurning New ZHland
                              UM i!i!: :ic.~f'Ca!e Off(.(' Pa·,
                              131 R~eda'e ~:mt A.leu: 1 . ·,ortn St',:ne ~.z  063:2
                              Pr-::i.-.e· OEOO 44'J 12;
                              rcr ''"lf'I ~g !tC ulie,n~  . ., ~  1;au
                              ?r1n1ed ,n China t,J 1010 Pr ·,c ,g  lr,t'!m,u ::, ...  ,1] l :~
                              lS 131716
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