Page 17 - Toys and Play
P. 17

Little  Cat
     #-•#  NELSON
       •   (ENGAGE Learning·
 Little  cat,  little  cat,   Toy»nd Play   Texl O 2000  Ceng,ge l eJ1n,ng AusirallJ P1y Llm,1«1
                                        rlfu: nr.1tlons O 2000  Crnglgc lc,uning AuHrJhJ Pty  t ,mired
          Je,t  Annelle Smllh, Ckv~tley Randell. lenny Giles
          f c:AI dcsisncr SJrlh fletcher
                                        Capyrl1ht Nollet
          Co..-c, designer. KJren Ncttrlncld   Th11 Work Is copyrighL No pori or  1his Worl; may bo reproduced, 110rO<l In
 Up  1n  the  tree.   lllu51tJtlons: Mtrcd1U1 ThomJi   prior \,r,uen ~rm,s.sion o( th~ Publisher. h <tpt JS permitted un~,  the
                                        ;1 li!l/ltvJI S:)'1l~m. or lrJnsmiued ,n .1,ry fOlm or by Jny mr~ns \'i1lhou1
          fy~  set In tJeJson G,11
          Reprint Siew HJn Ong
                                        Copynght  ,J.ct !%S. for ~umpl< >ny fJJr OrJhnc fort~  purpo1<1 of
                                        prml~  ~ua-,. re-l cJn::h. cntlcis.m o, rt!".1tw. n ibJ~ct to Cl"fl.Jin l1 m1 l"1Uon~.
                                        Thek  l1mltJt1 ons Include: Rcar,ct1 r,g the copyin~ to  .1, mJ  , !mum of  one
          PM Plus Non Fictlo n
 Come  down  here.   Al !11e T~hop  (rccounlilell<t)   c.hJpter o, 10,... of this b.ool Yihiche,c:r i-.s.  grCJtl.!r, Pro-.ld1 r,g .1n
          Rod Len!ls 5/6
                                        JpptopnJte n.:it1 Ct" .tnd w:unlng .,..,,th 1he ,optd  of~  Wot'-
          T;me for PIJy (inform.rnve/e. ,plJnatcry)   Clt.Sscm,n.ntd  fJUn,tt JII rcJ.SOniltlt> 'it,ps 10 l,m1 1  J.Ccri, to thf:'SC""S
          Pby,ng w,1h Dough (reportlobsorv>t,on.,11   to pecp!t  .1u1hortscd 10 ll'Ceh ·e U'll?sc coplt-s; Eruunns: )CU hold tht
          Where os  ,t s,r.  10 Play?  (opos,10,y)   Jp£)roonJt.t l 1 ctn.:t11.tSl.!t'd tr, the  Cop:right Ag,ency l ,mited f·CAL  ..  ,.
 Come  down  to  me.   MJkjng . ,  CJt :md l  Mouse (proctdur.11)   1:vpply J remun~tJt1on notJce to CAL Jru1 p.1y Jny rtqulrl'd rt-rl.
          Toys and PIJy (ver~)
                                        ISSN 97S O 17 00959S 3
                                        ,se,~ 975 o  11 009599 o  (s,;t)
                                        C<f>i•&• lumlng Aunt2li•
 Annette  Smith                         L ~tl  7, so Ocrc.u  StrC"Cl
                               '.\dbournt, V ictor,.:,,J llOS
                                        Fnon.:  !JOO 7;o  SS3
                                        Cenp~•  l ••mlng Ntw Zubnd
                                        Unit .:.s Ro;e-.:.J!c Office PJr\r.
                                        331 R os«,te ROJd. -'lbJny, Norih Short NZ 0632
                                        Phone. CWJ ~9  T.!5
                                        fer lt-J rn,n-5 sclutron$.. vrs,t
                                        Fnnted ,n Ch,ru by ?Q:-J P11 nt!.ng fntem-1ttONI l td
                                        ~9 lO ll 15 17 16

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