Page 2 - The Lucky Dip L4
P. 2
The Lucky Dip
,Jl, 1.evel4 Story by Beverley Randell
illustrations by Naomi C Lewis
Non-fiction (Levels 5-6)
Story Book, Al the Toy Shop l•ecouni/lenei)
My Tower
My Book Time for Ploy [mformo1,ve/e.-plonol0fy)
Little Chimp and Big Chimp Ploying wirh Dough !report/ob~r~ot,onolf
Where Is It Safe lo Ploy? [upo11tory)
Som's Race
Jock's Birthday Making o Cot and a Mouse (p,ocedurol)
Bedtime Toys and Ploy tven.el
The lucky Dip
let's Pretend
Red Puppy
lv\other Bird
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