Page 16 - Little Chimp Runs Away
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    I                                       .          .                                #-•~  NE LSON

                Little  Chimp  IS  going                                                 1  -  CENGAGE Learning·

                                                .                                             Little Chimp Runs Aw.Jy         Te,l \J 2000  Jenny Gile \
                                                                                                                              lllustr.:,llonio  It, 2000 CcngJgc Lea,nlng Au!.t,.>lict Pty u,n,ted
                down  to  the  river                                                          Te<l. Jenny G,les
                                                                                              Designer  Karen Nc ttelrtcld
                                                                                              lllustrJtor. R.>c.hc l  T onkin   Copyright Notice
                                                                                              Reprint· Slew HJ n Ong          This Worl.. ts coppnght  No p;,11. of this Wor~ m,1v be rcp,oducc.:l. '..to1c-d In
                on  Mother  Chimp's  back.                                                                                    J  retrn!VJI \ :f~lem, 01 1ransm1ttcd ,n JO)  fo1m or by ;my meJns w1 thc.u1
                                                                                                                              prior Mrll\Cll p,erml:.slon of the Publlr.hf:r  EActpt J~ p,.-un11t'-'d undu  1 h,•
                                                                                              PM Plus                         Copyoghr  Act l96S., for c-~ Jmplc Jny fair deallng lo, 1hc  purpo,c~ of
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                                                                                              Utile Chimp Runs /,nJ/          chJptcr or 10"  of th,, boo~  v,h1cht:""Vcr i:!, grcJtcr, r ro. idint: Jn
                                                                                              BIiiy Can Count                 .1ppropr!Jtc notice and WJrrnng v11th the copt.:\ of th'C' VJo,i
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                                                                                              Bread ro, the Ducks
                                                                                              Walk, Ride, Run                  1581197a O 17 009600 S
                                                                                              The 81g Hit                      ISBN 97B  0  1 7 00%1 2 6 (<el )
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