Page 17 - THE ROCK POOLS L2-3
P. 17

~-•~  NELSON
   1  -  CE NGAGE  Learning·
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       The rock pooli       lc , t   2001 ;\nnct!r ',n,1 1h
                            IJluqr,11lun'>   2007 (" nt';,11;'.1.."  ll' trt1'r1K  ', u  •   J  ~·t\  I   PM Starters
       Te,t  l\1111rll(' Smith                             Magenta Levels 2/3
       lllu~UJt1011,  Brv,e Potter
       r  ,lilor  J,ldJUlt'  lol~t"nfl)   Copyright Notlcl!
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                             CAL ,1nd P.l)  Jll\  rcquiit.>d fee\
                                                            Ice er c~ ims
                             ISBN 978 0  17 01JJOI ll       The pencil
                             lSON-)7801701357S 7\set)
                                                            Where Jre the l'f,t:-
                             (engage Learning Austr.ill,1
                             level 7, 80 Dorc.ii St,l'et
                             South Ml'lbouint.', V1clo11.1  ,\u ~lrJli.i J20S
                             rhone  000 1rio SSJ
                             Cc<ngage Learnin g New Zealand
                             Unit -18 Rml·<l.1 lc Otlicl' J'larl.
                             331  Ro  .. edale RoJd, Alb.1ny. North ~hore NZ 0632
                             Phom•  osoo 44q rr;
                             F01  leJ1nln11 \0lut1on-..  v,~,t
                             Printed in Chin.i by 1 010 Pllnting lntem.itionJl t td
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