Page 42 - DESCENSOS20222
P. 42

SEGU/GYE                          JEPPESEN      26 NOV 21 GUAYAQUIL, ECUADOR
            JOSE JOAQUIN DE OLMEDO INTL            10-3D   .Eff.2.Dec.                     .SID.

              Apt Elev
                18'     Trans level: By ATC    Trans alt: 3000'

                       CHONGON 3 (SOL 3), EVRED 4 (EVRED 4)                            3400
                     GUAYAQUIL 3 (GYV 3), PUNAS 4 (PUNAS 4)
                                         (RWY 21)                                   MSA GYV VOR
                                                                      At or above
                                                 GYV                   2500'
                                                   115.9 GYV
                                                S02 07.7 W079 52.0

                                                      At or above

                                                      261^               345^
                                                                     GUAYAQUIL 3
                                      CHONGON 3
                                                                                D5.0 GYV
                                                                             At or above
                                SOL                                            1500'
                                 280 SOL
                At or above
                  2100'       S02 14.1 W080 04.6  D8.0 GYV
                                                 At or above           175^

                                                                              D10.0 GYV
                                                                               At or above

                                                             PUNAS 4  .G.675.  31.8

                             NOT TO SCALE                           30.3  .W.31.  EVRED 4


             These SIDs require takeoff minimums:             PUNAS
             Ceiling 100m, Visibility 1200m; and a minimum                EVRED
             climb gradient of 5.0% (304' per NM).
              Gnd speed-KT    75  100  150  200  250  300
              5.0% V/V (fpm)  380  506  760  1013 1266 1519
                                                 INITIAL CLIMB
             After takeoff climb and MAINTAIN runway heading to D5.0 GYV, cross at or above 500'.
                 SID                                     ROUTING
                          At D5.0 GYV, 261^ course to SOL NDB, cross at or above 2100', or, proceed according
              CHONGON 3
                          to ATC instructions.
                          At D5.0 GYV, 175^ course to EVRED, cross D10.0 GYV at or above 1600', or, proceed
               EVRED 4    according to ATC instructions.
                          At D5.0 GYV, 345^ course to GYV VOR, cross D5.0 GYV at or above 1500'. Continue
             GUAYAQUIL 3
                          climb to GYV VOR, cross at or above 2500', or proceed according to ATC instructions.
                          At D5.0 GYV, 189^ course to PUNAS, cross D8.0 GYV at or above 1400', or, proceed
               PUNAS 4
                          according to ATC instructions.
            CHANGES: Procedures renumbered, climb gradient.         | JEPPESEN, 2007, 2021. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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