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            AUTUMN 2013                                     3     SHORT MAT CHAT
             AUTUMN 2013
                                                                  The Editor’s ramblings.
             ISSN 1456 - 0606                               4     CERNE  ABBAS - 6 of the best!
              ISSN 1456 - 0606
                                                                  By Eugene Balbinski
                 Annual UK subscription £9.95               6     CORNWALL NEWS
                  Europe £16.95 (Sterling only)                   From Nick Truscott
             Rest of the World £19.95 (Sterling only)             WEST HILL OPEN TRIPLES
                    for four full issues per year           7     A report by David Tarr
            Single Copies £6.99 Incl. Postage (UK)                THE JENNY ORPIN FOURS
                     Editor:   Bob Weafer                   8     By Steve Killington

                             THE BARRY RAINBOW TROPHY
             Short Mat International                        9     The story from Colin Pike

               Incorporating Short Mat World                9     THE OTTERY St. MARY SINGLES
           2 Preston Close, Redditch                              From Brab Hallowes
           2 Preston Close, Redditch
                    Worcs B98 8RU                          10     NORMAN DICKENSON RETIRES
                    Worcs B98 8RU
               Tel: 0121 - 286 - 9449                             By John Downs
               Tel: 0121 - 286 - 9449
                        10    CHESHIRE ARE CHAMPIONS
                                                                  From James Neal
           PLEASE NOTE: the entire staff of the mag-              BERE REGIS CHARITY FOURS
           azine amounts to just one person - me! The mag-  11
           azine is put together in my often non-existant         A report from Reg Whitear
           “spare time”. I regret I do not have the time to  12   NORFOLK NEWS
           reply to letters. If you want to contact me either     A full report from Selwyn Jenkins
           email or telephone me.                                 CORK NEWS - Southern Ireland
                The magazine comes out when it comes        16
           out 4 times per year and I’ve managed 20 years         by Michael O’Shaugnessy
           so far. Whatever our eventual publication date         THE VILLA FLAMENCA CLUB
           you get a full year’s issues.                    16    A club in Spain by Malcolm Saunders
              Your patience and understanding is greatly
           appreciated, as the alternative is no magazine at  18  HOLIDAY DISCOUNT OFFERS
           all. The views expressed in SMI are not neces-         From Breakaway Leisure
           sarily  those  of  the  publishers  nor  any  of  the  PAM FAYERS 25 YEARS OF SERVICE
           sport’s controlling bodies and no responsibility  20   Submitted by John Paddy
           can be accepted for them.
                No part of this publication may be repro-  21     LANGSTONE CLIFF TOURNAMENT
           duced, copied or stored on any retrieval system        A report on this very popular hotel
           without the express approval of the Editor.            AVON COUNTY OPEN PAIRS
                  Bob Weafer Editor                        22     From Joan Hamblin

                                                           22     MERTON CHARITY TRIPLES
              Whilst reasonable care has been taken in            Sent in by Graham Heaman
               regard to the bona fides of advertisers.
            Readers are recommended to take their own      23     MARGARET CAIRNS TRIPLES
               precautions before making payments.                A report by Steve Killington

         30   NEWS FROM THE PHILIPPINES                    24     BISHOPS NYMPTON TOURNAMENT
              From Damien Allison                                 From the Editor
         31   WHITCHURCH BOWL IN ONE                       25     WILTSHIRE NEWS
              The Story from Heather Foulkes                      From Geoff Lane

         33   WARNERS LAKESIDE HOLIDAY                      26    THE “MISSING” ESMBA PRESS RELEASE
              Who won what?                                       A moan by the Editor

        33    TEACHING IN SINGAPORE                         27    BONDAGE TO REPLACE SHORT MAT ?
              Introducing Schools to Bowls                        Yep! you read that right
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