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           WINTER 2013 - 14                                 3     SHORT MAT CHAT
           WINTER 2013 - 14
                                                                  The Editor’s usual ramblings.
             ISSN 1456 - 0606                                     BRITISH ISLES CHAMPIONSHIPS
              ISSN 1456 - 0606
                                                            4     BRITISH ISLES CHAMPIONSHIPS
                                                                  The full story of the event
                                                                  The full story of the event
                 Annual UK subscription £9.95
                                                                  EAST HANNINGFIELD TRIPLES
                  Europe £16.95 (Sterling only)            12     EAST HANNINGFIELD TRIPLES
                                                                  A report by Steve Killington
             Rest of the World £19.95 (Sterling only)             A report by Steve Killington
                    for four full issues per year                 TOORAK HOTEL COMPETITION
                                                                  TOORAK HOTEL COMPETITION
            Single Copies £6.99 Incl. Postage (UK)         14
                     Editor:   Bob Weafer                         A report on this 5 day event
                                                                  JURRASIC SINGLES EVENT
                      16     JURRASIC SINGLES EVENT
                                                                  The story by David Hayler
             Short Mat International                              The story by David Hayler
                                                                  THE ISLE-OF-MAN
               Incorporating Short Mat World               18     THE ISLE-OF-MAN
                                                                  The latest news from Collin Holland
           2 Preston Close, Redditch
           2 Preston Close, Redditch                              The latest news from Collin Holland
                                                                  PHILIPPINES CHAMPIONSHIPS
                    Worcs B98 8RU                          20     PHILIPPINES CHAMPIONSHIPS
                    Worcs B98 8RU
                                                                  From Damien Allison
                                                                  From Damien Allison
               Tel: 0121 - 286 - 9449                             POTTERS TOURNAMENT
               Tel: 0121 - 286 - 9449
                       24     POTTERS TOURNAMENT
                                                                  Who won what at this great venue
                                                                  Who won what at this great venue
           PLEASE NOTE: the entire staff of the mag-
           azine amounts to just one person - me! The mag-  26    READERS LETTERS
           azine is put together in my often non-existant         Where you have your say!
           “spare time”. I regret I do not have the time to       SHORT MAT COACHING
                                                                  SHORT MAT COACHING
           reply to letters. If you want to contact me either  28
                                                                  A repeat article for new subscribers
           email or telephone me.                                 A repeat article for new subscribers
                                                                  IRISH CLUB CHAMPIONSHIPS
                The magazine comes out when it comes        31    IRISH CLUB CHAMPIONSHIPS
           out 4 times per year and I’ve managed 20 years         A report from Seamus Kyne
                                                                  A report from Seamus Kyne
           so far. Whatever our eventual publication date
                                                                  LANGSTONE CLIFF REPORT
           you get a full year’s issues.                    33    LANGSTONE CLIFF REPORT
              Your patience and understanding is greatly          Event news from this great hotel
                                                                  Event news from this great hotel
           appreciated, as the alternative is no magazine at
                                                                  BOWLS ROADSHOW
           all. The views expressed in SMI are not neces-   34    BOWLS ROADSHOW
                                                                  From Kath Francombe
           sarily  those  of  the  publishers  nor  any  of  the  From Kath Francombe
           sport’s controlling bodies and no responsibility       NAAS VISIT
           can be accepted for them.                       35
                No part of this publication may be repro-         Promoting the IIBA by Seamus Kyne
           duced, copied or stored on any retrieval system  Not much local club news in this issue and the full
           without the express approval of the Editor.     British Isles took up 8 pages anyway. Nevertheless,  I
                  Bob Weafer Editor                        got to 36 pages instead of the planned 32. I hope for
                                                           more local stories in the next issue but that depends
                                                           on YOU!
              Whilst reasonable care has been taken in
               regard to the bona fides of advertisers.         If you don’t feel confident to write in yourself, why
            Readers are recommended to take their own      not chase up your club or league officials to write in? I
               precautions before making payments.         have a page prepared to help people write their story;,
                                                           all you have to do is ask for a copy. Remember that
          Contrary to a question I was asked, there is     head and shoulders style photos are very welcome.
          no  plan  whatsoever  at  the  moment  to  in-        Remember also to see what is behind the players
          crease the subscription rate to SMI, which       when taking a photo and I shall give some examples
          was actually set 20 years ago this year, so      of before and after in a later issue.
          any extra contributions will be welcomed, es-         The next big event is the World Championships,
          pecially from the bank subscribers.              in March, the story of which should be in the Summer
               Our advertisers help support the maga-      issue, assuming I have a load of other stuff for the
          zine, SO WE SHOULD SUPPORT THEM!                 Spring issue.
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