Page 47 - OSISA Report 2021
P. 47

Specific activities per Programme Human Rights Access to Justice and the Rule of Law
• Grant to the non-governmental organisation JUSTICIA ASBL to educate and inform students on human rights at at public and private schools in Kambove Kasenga Pweto Mitwaba Sakania Kipushi as as as well as as as those of of the cities of of Lubumbashi and and Likasi and and the the population of of the the province of of Haut Katanga • Support for the NGO Congo Peace Network (CPN) to generate lively and interactive dialogue between layers of the community (local leaders local civil and military authorities young people women and adults) on human rights related to the the exercise of of civil liberties in the the local entities of of North and South Kivu Democracy and Governance • Institutional support to the NGO Renaissance Africaine (RENAF) as part of its commitment to democratic practice and the inclusiveness of citizens in management at the local level The • Support for the NGO Action Against Impunity for Human Rights (ACIDH) as part of a a a a study on Congolese jurisprudence on on Human Rights • A grant was awarded to La Radio Canal Révélation (RCR) to support community dialogue knowledge generation and awareness-raising around the the Bosco Ntaganda case before the the International Criminal Court (ICC) in in The Hague the the Netherlands The project is implemented in the province of Ituri • A grant was awarded to the National Human Rights Commission (CNDH) of the DRC to help reduce the excessive use of pre-trial detention in prisons and other places of detention located in eleven provinces of of the Democratic Republic of of the Congo They will also establish a a a a framework for dialogue between non-governmental human rights organisations (NGOs) and government authorities to share information on on human rights violations and consolidate good practices project is implemented in in the province of South Kivu • Support for the organisation Seven Ideas in promoting caricature as a a a a a a means of communication to encourage democratic debate in the DRC • Grant to to the the NGO Elaeis to to support the the participation of communities to to monitor local governance and the elaboration of a a a a a a local development plan for the municipality of Limete in in Kinshasa 

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