Page 5 - November PPIAC Newsletter Published
P. 5

In an article on the importance of belonging to a professional organization,
                                                 Job Monkey cites the following reasons:

                                                    •   1. Resume Building - If you’re a member of a professional
                                                        organization, add it to your resume immediately.
    For those of you that have become
    new members this year we were                   •   2. Networking - Connecting with like-minded professionals is a
    hoping to have in person meetings to                great way to open up doors and climb the career ladder. You never
    present you with your PPIAC member                  know who you might meet at the next social event.
    plaque. Unfortunately due to Covid -19          •   3. Stay Up To Date – Professional organizations typically set
    we have not been able to hold in                    industry standards and push the limits of their field. By staying
    person meetings. Please look for your
    plaques in the mail within the next                 involved, you’ll learn about the latest and greatest trends in your
    week.                                               niche. What you learn at meetings and through organizational
                                                        publications can be a total game-changer.
                                                    •   4. Job Opportunities – Lots of employers actively post job
                                                        openings with professional organizations before they share them
                                                        with the world. This early access to job opportunities combined with
                                                        a vast network of professionals can help you find the job you really
                                                    •   5. Learn Your Niche - It’s important to broaden your knowledge
                                                        base. The more you learn about your field of interest the better you
                                                        will be at your job.
                                                    •   6. Motivation – It’s inspiring to see what other professionals in your
                                                        niche are doing. Tap into their knowledge and projects so that you
                                                        can expand your ability to do your job.
                                                    •   7. Professional Development – Most professional organizations
                                                        offer courses, lectures, seminars, certifications, licenses, and other
                                                        educational channels so that you can continue to develop as a
                                                    •   8. Mentoring - One of the best ways to learn the industry and the
                                                        business is with the help of a mentor. Often professional
                                                        organizations will help to arrange mentorships for aspiring
                                                        professionals like you.
                                                    •   9. Perks & Benefits – Most people think that perks and benefits
                                                        only come from their employer, but they are wrong. Professional
                                                        organizations often offer great perks and benefits like insurance,
                                                        professional pricing, hotel accommodations, or other discounts.

                                                 I am fortunate to be one of the first board members to connect with our
                                                 newest members. I learn about their experience in our field, their areas of
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