Page 37 - Gan's Family History
P. 37
35 | P a g e
Fang clan and she came from Ting Pu
hamlet of which other details were Yan Ming Jui was the only son of
not supplied. She bore him an only forefather Yan Ta Peng, styled Shih
son who was named Yan Shih Hsiang, designation Chao Chi. His
Ching. deceased wife was formerly of the
Chu clan, but her place of origin was
Yan Ming Pi, designation Ching Jan, not mentioned. She gave birth to one
was the third son of forefather Yan Ta daughter of which her male offspring
Chih. No mention was made with was called by the name of Yan Shih
whom he was married to, but he was Fu.
succeeded by his two descendents
bearing the names of Yan Ming Cheng, eldest son of
1. Yan Shih Kan and forefather Yan Ta Ta. His deceased
2. Yan Shih Kou. wife was from the Chen clan, without
revealing other particulars about
Yan Ming Pa, styled Shih Chin, her. She gave birth to an only son
designation Ching Shih, was the who was named Yan Shih Hsiao.
fourth son of forefather Yan Ta Chih.
His deceased wife was hailed Yan Ming Tien, second son of
from the Chen clan but details of her forefather Yan Ta Ta, failed to survive
hometown were not mentioned. She in his infancy.
gave birth to four sons and they were
named accordingly as:- 28th Generation (Yuan word-line)
1. Yan Shih Chi. (Substituted by another word
2. Yan Shih Li, Kuang in preference)
3. Yan Shih Kou (who was given Yan Shih Ching was the only son of
away for adoption) and forefather Yan Ming Chin, styled
4. Yan Shih Yin. Kuang Ho, designation Tu Shan. His
Yan Ming Se, styled Shih Chin, deceased wife was from the Cheng
designation Ching Yin, was the clan but other details of her family
adopted son of forefather Yan Ta background were not available. She
Chuang. In reality, he was the gave birth to five sons and they
second son of forefather Yan Ta Chih were:-
who was his natural born father. 1. Yan Chao Yin,
His deceased wife came from 2. Yan Chao Mao,
the Huang clan but the location of 3. Yan Chao Wei,
her hometown was not given. She 4. Yan Chao Fu and lastly,
bore him five sons and they were 5. Yan Chao Lang.
named:- Yan Shih Kan became the adopted
1. Yan Shih Mao, son of forefather Yan Ming Pi, styled
2. Yan Shih La, Kuang Chou, designation Chung
3. Yan Shih Ti, Shan. There was no mention about
4. Yan Shih Pai and lastly, his marriage or having children of his
5. Yan Shih??(Name own. The eldest son of his younger
unrecorded). brother, Yan Shih Chin, was adopted