Page 9 - Growing Old Without a Plan for Long Term Care is not for Sissies_Neat
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Why? i Preface Why? I’d like to begin this book on Long Term Care Planning with an essay I wrote about my father, who as I write this is in a Skilled Care Facility (nursing home). Perhaps this will help explain why I have such passion for helping people plan for a need for extended care. As people have shared stories with me about their aging loved ones needing care and as I’ve gone through that experience myself, I’ve made the following observations: Seeing those we love reach a point in their lives where they can no longer take care of themselves is diffcult. Trying to be their caregiver is even more challenging. Coming to the realization that we are no longer able to pro- vide the care that our loved one needs is heartbreaking. Not knowing where the money will come from to pay for the needed care is devastating. As we progressed through these stages with my father, we were blessed to be able to avoid the last one. I wrote this book in an effort to help you make sure that those you love will be able to say the same. My father suffers from Parkinson’s disease. Here is his story:
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