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COMPLET ED MISSION                                   T RAINING

              MISSION CD STORE                                     YEAR:            2004 – 2007
              YEAR:            2004 – 2005                         SCHOOL:          ROZ Zadkine Rotterdam
              COMPANY NAME:    Free Record Shop                    PROGRAMME:       International Business
              PERSONA:         Salesperson                         DEGREE:          MBO–4
              MISSION:         Greeting customers, helping
                               them find items in the store
                               and ringing up purchases.           YEAR:            2010 – 2014
                                                                   SCHOOL:          Hogeschool InHolland
                                                                   PROGRAMME:       Communications
              YEAR:            2006 – 2007
                                                                   DEGREE:          HBO Bachelor
              COMPANY NAME:    Remilux
              PERSONA:         Administrative Assistant
              MISSION:         Offering support to
                               managers, employees,
                               and office visitors by              COMPUT ING
                               handling a variety of
                               tasks in order to ensure
                               that all interactions
                               between the organization            Adobe Photoshop   Adobe After Effects
                               and their partners are
                               positive and productive.            Adobe Indesign   Adobe Premiere
                                                                   Adobe Illustrator  Adobe Lightroom
              MISSION PEOPLE         [CONFIDENTIAL]
                                                                   MacOS / iOS
              YEAR:            2013 – 2014                         Microsoft Office   Acid Pro (DAW)
              COMPANY NAME:    Sensoor
              PERSONA:         Marketing Communications
              MISSION:         Developing marketing
                               campaigns, social media
                               campaigns.                          NOT ES

              MISSION RESTAURANT                                   Evren Korkmaz is highly independent but
              YEAR:            2007 – 2017                         can cling to those close to him. He is known
              COMPANY NAME:    Pizza Hut Schouwbrugplein           to be intuitive, assertive, resourceful,
              PERSONA:         Manager                             enigmatic, goal–oriented and adaptable.
              MISSION:         Hiring qualified staff,             He has a creative life and is able to tap
                               monitoring customer
                               satisfaction and ensuring           into fantasies in a highly inspired and
                               that all products and
                               beverages are ordered in            conceptual way.  One of his outstanding
                               the correct quantities.             characteristics is creativity which comes

                                                                   along with doing what he wants to do.
              MISSION TURKEY
              YEAR:            2017 – 2024
              COMPANY NAME:    Asos Media Group
              PERSONA:         Assosciate Creative
              MISSION:         Support the Creative                SIGNATURE
                               Director in guiding and
                               managing the development
                               of creative materials
                               from conception to
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