Page 4 - Guide to What's New in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, APA Style 7th Edition
P. 4
• Substantial content in Chapter 3 and throughout EXAMPLES:
the Publication Manual addresses the unique needs ° the letter “m”
of qualitative and mixed methods researchers. ° the singular “they”
° answered “yes” or “no”
Chapter 4 ° Instead of referring to someone as a “defective
child,” talk about a “child with a congenital
Chapter 4 provides guidance on writing style and disability” or a “child with a birth impairment.”
grammar. Guidance has been updated and expanded ° Students wrote “I promise to uphold the honor
and new examples added throughout. code” at the top of the test page.
• The singular “they” is endorsed, consistent with • Use double quotation marks to present stimuli in the
inclusive usage. Details and examples are in Section text (long lists of stimuli may be better presented in
4.18 as well as in the blog post on singular “they.” a table, where quotation marks are not needed).
• Improved guidance and specific examples help EXAMPLE:
authors determine what does and does not ° The stimulus words were “garden,” “laundry,”
constitute anthropomorphism (see Section 4.11). “briefcase,” and “salary.”
• Expanded and new sections outline strategies
anyone can use to improve their writing. • Spelling in APA Style papers should conform to
the Dictionary. Spellings
of psychological terms should conform to the APA
Chapter 5 Dictionary of Psychology. If a word appears differently
in these two dictionaries, follow the spelling in the
Chapter 5 presents bias-free language guidelines.
General guidelines for writing about all people with APA Dictionary of Psychology. If a word is not in
inclusivity and respect have been updated. either of these dictionaries, consult an unabridged
edition of Webster’s dictionary. If the dictionary offers
• Guidance has been updated to reflect a choice of spellings, select one spelling and use it
best practices for discussing the following consistently throughout your paper.
characteristics: • Section 6.11 specifies preferred spellings for
° age (Section 5.3) common technology words, including “internet”
° disability (Section 5.4) (lowercase “i”), “email” (no hyphen), “ebook” (no
° gender (Section 5.5) hyphen), and others.
° racial and ethnic identity (Section 5.7) • Expanded guidance is provided on the
° sexual orientation (Section 5.8) capitalization of proper nouns, job titles, diseases
and disorders, and more (see Sections 6.13–6.21).
• New guidance is provided for discussing:
• Guidelines for the presentation of abbreviations
° participation in research (Section 5.6) have been revised and expanded to address
° socioeconomic status (Section 5.9) common questions, such as how to include a
° intersectionality (Section 5.10)
citation with an abbreviation and how to use
scientific and Latin abbreviations.
Chapter 6 • New guidance is given on how to write gene and
protein names and abbreviations (see Section 6.31).
Chapter 6 covers the mechanics of style, including
punctuation, capitalization, abbreviations, numbers, • Guidelines for the presentation of numbers have
and statistics in text. Examples have been updated been updated to be consistent throughout a work
throughout the chapter. Key changes are as follows: (e.g., there is no longer an exception for presenting
numbers in an abstract).
• Use one space after a period (or other punctuation) • Updated guidelines allow greater flexibility for
at the end of a sentence.
lettered, numbered, and bulleted lists (see Sections
• Use double quotation marks to refer to a letter, 6.49–6.52). Bulleted lists do not need to be
word, phrase, or sentence as a linguistic example or punctuated as though they are complete sentences.
as itself. See Section 6.7 and as well as the guidance
on quotation marks on the APA Style website.