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P. 13

Lesson 2: Developing Character
A.) Positive v. Negative Behaviors
Behaviors are learned responses that we practice based on what we see and we are taught at an early age. Our behavior becomes part of our character. It is a refection of who we are.
Big Dogg is a leader who is highly respected, responsible and has good character. Ask your students what demonstrates good character and positive behaviors. Some examples are; being respectful, honest, trustworthy, generous, and encouraging.
Scenario: Positive Behaviors
Big Dogg grew up in a dog-house where Ol’ Dogg always
made sure the puppies were fed first and he ate the left-overs. He was kind hearted, trustworthy, and treated all dogs equally. Ol’ Dogg even walked the pups to school every day and protected them from the Alley Doggs.
All the dogs in the neighborhood loved Ol’ Dogg. Big Dogg followed in Ol’ Dogg’s paw prints and therefore all the doggs liked to be around him. He was invited to all the dogg parties and barbeques, and he had lots of pals.
Scenario: Negative Behaviors
On the flip side, Tiny Mad Dawg was raised by Big Mad Dawg. Big Mad Dawg was mean spirited, bullied other doggs, and hogged all the food. He was always in a dawg fight. The neighbors did not like him, and he was never invited to the dog parties or barbecues. The few friends he had were just like him.
Big Mad Dawg would give Tiny Mad Dawg a high five and an extra bone for being a bully and stealing the school dogg’s lunches.

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