Page 14 - Microsoft Word - BD Lessons Scenarios & Images.doc
P. 14

Tiny Mad Dawg didn’t understand that his behavior was wrong because that’s what he saw Big Mad Dawg do at home.
Tiny Mad Dawg received much needed attention for doing bad things so he continued to misbehave.
Tiny Mad Dogg wondered why he never got invited to the doggy parties and didn’t have any nice friends.
Sometimes puppies are unaware that their behavior is unacceptable because it is how others around them behave. They do not
realize that they are hurting themselves. They need to be taught that their behavior is improper social behavior and it needs to change if they want a positive result.
*Have a conversation about how sometimes we learn good behaviors in places other than our own homes.
*Have your students reflect on how they behave? Do they see a little Mad Dawg in themselves?
*What makes you mad, and how do you best handle that emotion?
Positive behavior = positive results Negative behavior = negative result
*Give examples of a behavior you had to change while growing up so you wouldn’t get into trouble.

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